[CARLICountsCohortThree] CARLI Counts Cohort 3: Post-Program Survey (Please complete by July 29)

Brown, Karen kbrown at dom.edu
Thu Jul 14 12:46:00 UTC 2022

CARLI Counts Cohort 3,

Congratulations on completing your evidence-based library projects. Quite an impressive accomplishment!

To increase our understanding of your experience and what you learned in the CARLI Counts program, please take approximately 15 minutes to complete this survey. (The last one, we promise!) The information you provide will help us develop new CARLI programs and consider ways to share features of the program with other institutions.

Please use the following link to access and complete the survey on the Canvas site by Friday, July 29: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/3318694/quizzes/11365893?module_item_id=68061419__;!!DZ3fjg!--U06j_ZLZ9iMH-s1jXwYYxQemg4vGzprOSAXeTBa_ZJ8GTWkvcgt72-w6NZkrljWwHir_xtpnMET8--2Hf6wODWrKpWK4Dr3g$ 

Note to mentors: Please do not complete this survey.

Thank you!


Karen Brown, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita
School of Information Studies
Dominican University
7900 W. Division Street
River Forest, Illinois 60305

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