[Discovery_PVE_Comm] Neurodiversity + Primo VE discussion invitation

Skaggs, Lindsey lsskagg at ilstu.edu
Thu Feb 16 23:55:02 UTC 2023

Hi all,

Earlier this month, Mark Weiler from Wilfrid Laurier University reached out to Allan and me in our capacity as CARLI Discovery Primo VE Committee co-chairs. Mark is the chair of the Primo VE/Alma Accessibility Working Group from the Ontario Council of University Libraries. Their working group is reaching out to other committees, working groups, and interested parties to gather/share information related to accessibility in Primo VE and ultimately work with Ex Libris to remedy issues that have been identified. Mark shared that earlier this year they partnered with the Orbis Cascade Alliance to hold a meeting with Ex Libris product managers regarding accessibility issues related to RapidILL, and they hope to forge similar relationships with other consortia.

They have invited members of our committee to join a discussion about designing web content for neurodiversity and discussing the implications for Primo VE on Feb. 24h at 1:30pm CT. The registration link is available here: https://ocul.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tdeGprT0iHdFepdx66qvT1kiwoTrVlqY-. Mark has asked that we let him know who plans to attend. I plan to join the call, so please let me know if you register and I'll keep Mark informed.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Lindsey Skaggs
Instructional Design Librarian
Liaison to the School of Communication
Milner Library 530
Illinois State University
lsskagg at ilstu.edu<mailto:lsskagg at ilstu.edu> | 309-438-3355
she / her / hers

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