[ArchivesTF] Archives Task Force newsletter draft

Hackbart-Dean, Pam phdean at uic.edu
Thu Apr 4 16:13:55 UTC 2024

Hey everyone

Here is a draft for the CARLI newsletter to announce our new website.  CARLI Newsletter April 2024 DRAFT.docx | Powered by Box<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.app.box.com/file/1491684095538__;!!DZ3fjg!4qjyygATKHcZwEo8uFXWxDWh9deqwmdRIrGf9C_jSDo3pZwdVJhgA1GIG2OlFcEQ8y_vGeE9vkHrOiA7T3RFBWrB$ >

Please edit!!  It is due by April 17, so if you have edits, additions, etc. please let me know by next Friday, April 12th.

Thank you,

Pam Hackbart-Dean, CA
Professor & Head
Interim Associate University Librarian

Special Collections & University Archives
University of Illinois Chicago

E: phdean at uic.edu<mailto:phdean at uic.edu>
P: (312) 996-0243
[horizontal rule]
801 S. Morgan St. | 3-330 LIB, MC 234 | Chicago, IL 60607

[IC Logo]

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