[ArchivesTF] CARLI Archives Taskforce agenda

Hackbart-Dean, Pam phdean at uic.edu
Mon May 20 14:41:11 UTC 2024

Elaine-thank you for putting this together.  It looks great.  I made a few minor edits, but I think it is ready to submit.  Any other suggestions for the report before we submit it???

Thanks again Elaine.

Pam Hackbart-Dean, CA
Professor & Head
Interim Associate University Librarian

Special Collections & University Archives
University of Illinois Chicago

E: phdean at uic.edu<mailto:phdean at uic.edu>
P: (312) 996-0243
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801 S. Morgan St. | 3-330 LIB, MC 234 | Chicago, IL 60607

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From: Elaine Fetyko Page <elainep at elmhurst.edu>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 1:28 PM
To: Elaine Fetyko Page via ArchivesTF <archivestf at carli.illinois.edu>; Hackbart-Dean, Pam <phdean at uic.edu>
Subject: Re: CARLI Archives Taskforce agenda

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Good afternoon everyone!
I've completed a draft of the final report that is due May 31.
Please take a look, and make any corrections, updates, changes by May 24 if possible so we can get it submitted well before the due date.

Elaine Fetyko Page she/her
Head of Technical Services, University Archivist
A.C. Buehler Library, Elmhurst University
elainep at elmhurst.edu<mailto:elainep at elmhurst.edu>
From: ArchivesTF <archivestf-bounces at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:archivestf-bounces at carli.illinois.edu>> on behalf of Hackbart-Dean, Pam via ArchivesTF <archivestf at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:archivestf at carli.illinois.edu>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 11:50 AM
To: Elaine Fetyko Page via ArchivesTF <archivestf at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:archivestf at carli.illinois.edu>>
Subject: [ArchivesTF] CARLI Archives Taskforce agenda

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Hey everyone

Just a reminder that our CARLI Archives Taskforce meeting is on Monday, May 6 at 10.  Please review the agenda and let me know if you have anything to add.

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Have a good rest of the week.  See you Monday.



Pam Hackbart-Dean, CA


Professor & Head

Interim Associate University Librarian

Special Collections & University Archives

University of Illinois Chicago

E: phdean at uic.edu<mailto:phdean at uic.edu>

P: (312) 996-0243

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801 S. Morgan St. | 3-330 LIB, MC 234 | Chicago, IL 60607

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