[CARLICountsCohortFour] Trouble with Canvas link
Jennifer Stubbs
jastubbs at fsmail.bradley.edu
Mon Mar 13 15:00:46 UTC 2023
Dear Anne and fellows in Cohort 4,
Can you suggest a search phrase or date I should query my messages in order
to locate how to log into the CARLI Cohort Canvas site?
I tried to locate an institution by searching
The first two appeared, but I struggle to locate an email with the
appropriate credentials to log in.
Jennifer AW Stubbs *(she/her/hers)*
*Instruction and **Outreach Librarian, Assistant Professor*
Email: jastubbs at bradley.edu (preferred)/ Phone: 309-677-2841
Cullom-Davis Library - Office 101
Schedule time to chat <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendar.app.google/9rWTgALEg3TS4BoT7__;!!DZ3fjg!-Jv4PSEJAhOq-rrXF8MWlVcKo3Yop9wHraM9YXzFIJBx7-xGyzT-CVFBiiv_GP4O4s5xaEgj_IwpdV7rBpIt_sEt6Q1VgOehiETtUaIYeee1$ >
(Please email as I've lost the voicemail password.)
I may rarely email outside working hours --
please don't feel obligated to respond until your working hours.
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