[CARLICountsCohortFour] February reminders for Cohort 4
Craig, Anne
abcraig at uillinois.edu
Mon Jan 22 22:05:07 UTC 2024
Dear CARLI Counts Cohort 4:
Hello everyone! A few February reminders today!
1. Please submit your report as a PDF to Michelle Haake (mjhuls at uillinois.edu) and cc Lisa Hinchliffe (ljanicke at illinois.edu) by February 1, 2024. The report template<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/6250033/files/224051728?module_item_id=91908126__;!!DZ3fjg!-tERThe-fQYzQXvmhxhM6kRnpYZjNr4oUO94L5F0QCnW64fOoY6y3TsCDCq9Ra63WNGZaPPnE3D8v1r8QLAkBdgbajF3GW5LR9UA5SA$ > is available in the October 11 intensive Canvas module along with the recording of the October 11 session when Lisa described the report.
2. We have our last intensive on February 14 at 9 a.m.! Please join us a little early at 8:45 a.m. for coffee break time. Zoom info:
Join Zoom Meeting<https://illinois.zoom.us/j/89839851466?pwd=Y0J2cExyUjBEdHdrQlZuejNGK3Rldz09&from=addon>
Phone one-tap:
US: +13126266799,,89839851466#<tel:+13126266799,,89839851466> or +17866351003,,89839851466#<tel:+17866351003,,89839851466>
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID:
898 3985 1466
Let me know if you have any questions.
Anne Craig (she/her)
Senior Director
The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI)
1704 Interstate Drive
Champaign, Illinois 61822
abcraig at uilllinois.edu<mailto:abcraig at uilllinois.edu>
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