[Discovery_PVE_Comm] Registration for customizations showcase sent out

Maroso, Amy maroso at uillinois.edu
Tue Jun 21 15:23:22 UTC 2022

Hi, all,

I just sent out the registration information for the July 19 “Getting Started with Interface Customization in Primo VE” webinar. The information is below:

Tuesday, July 19, 2022, from 1:00 – 2:30pm

The CARLI Discovery Primo VE Committee invites you to join us for a panel discussion about interface customizations in Primo VE. Unsure where to begin or what to do next? Our panelists will start by demonstrating the basics, such as updating color schemes and labels, before jumping into local environments and JavaScript customizations. Bring your questions and experiences for this interactive webinar!

The webinar will feature four panelists, each talking about customizations they have made in their own Primo VE instances and there will be time for discussion and Q&A at the end.

Panelists include: Allan Berry from University of Illinois Chicago, Christine McClure from DePaul University, Lindsey Skaggs from Illinois State University, and Aimee Walker from Joliet Junior College.

Register via the CARLI website at:

Registration is required. Please register no later than 5:00pm on Friday, July 15, 2022.

Please share this announcement with any interested colleagues at your institution!

Questions about the webinar or trouble registering? Please contact the CARLI office at support at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:support at carli.illinois.edu>.

Thank you,
CARLI Office Staff
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