[Discovery_PVE_Comm] Discovery Primo VE subcommittees

Skaggs, Lindsey lsskagg at ilstu.edu
Fri Sep 9 15:08:44 UTC 2022

Hi all,

I fully intended to get this to you sooner; my apologies for not doing so. Here is what we currently have for subcommittee assignments. Asterisks indicate returning task force members that were involved with these areas last year:


  *   Alice*
  *   Andrew
  *   Would someone else be willing to join this subcommittee?

Local fields

  *   Matt
  *   Aimee*
  *   Marlee*

Local resource types

  *   Alice
  *   Andrew
  *   Lindsey

Usability best practices

  *   Allan
  *   Colin
  *   Rachelle
  *   Lindsey

We had discussed having subcommittees meet prior to the next meeting, but that isn't feasible considering our next meeting is Wednesday. But-we can touch base via email. I'll reach out to the usability and local resource groups; would someone be willing to start "side conversations" for local fields and FRBR? Please loop Jessica & Amy in too.

Thanks all! I hope you've had a good start to the semester.

Lindsey Skaggs
Instructional Design Librarian
Liaison to the School of Communication
Milner Library 530
Illinois State University
lsskagg at ilstu.edu<mailto:lsskagg at ilstu.edu> | 309-438-3355
she / her / hers

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