[ERMCommittee] Anyone else experiencing issues with Alma/Primo VE SAML login

Imre, Andrea aimre at siu.edu
Mon Sep 18 14:39:26 UTC 2023

Just an update - we had an expired certificate in our Azure (SAML) Integration profile.
The fix was easy once Chris from CARLI helped us identify the problem.

We have been using SAML for Alma /PVE for 3 years and the expiry date fell on Saturday and our IT did not have an advance notification set up for this app within Azure like they usually have for other apps so this fell through the cracks.

If you use SAML, you may want to check the expiry date on your SAML integration profile and make sure to replace a signed certificate before the current one expires.  See instructions from ExL at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/090Integrations_with_External_Systems/060Authentication/020SAML-Based_Single_Sign-On_Sign-Off__;!!DZ3fjg!97xWdfoU2db3u6dXjFuk8_A1gjwxA52ubNN65G8hPMLebKpXAGPPpHquxiVXJZvEcjwGDyLcUesYC0ha0ygjge9h$ 

PS: A named user account with admin privileges was a lifesaver for us in this situation.


From: Imre, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2023 8:15 PM
To: ermcommittee at carli.illinois.edu
Subject: Anyone else experiencing issues with Alma/Primo VE SAML login


We have started to experience issues with our SAML (Azure) login this afternoon.  SAML works for other library resources and for other campus services.  Only Alma and Primo VE are affected and strangely the login process goes like normal, we enter our credentials, we are authenticated by Azure (SAML) but then Primo VE displays a weird message we have not seen before.
Nothing was changed in our integration profile.

Primo gives us this error: see yellow bar running across screen: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://app.screencast.com/my984LeHgzpot__;!!DZ3fjg!97xWdfoU2db3u6dXjFuk8_A1gjwxA52ubNN65G8hPMLebKpXAGPPpHquxiVXJZvEcjwGDyLcUesYC0ha05v2k6WR$ 

Alma gives us this error: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://app.screencast.com/ULsEfrV8eef6q__;!!DZ3fjg!97xWdfoU2db3u6dXjFuk8_A1gjwxA52ubNN65G8hPMLebKpXAGPPpHquxiVXJZvEcjwGDyLcUesYC0ha00DUoZSX$ 

Anyone else relying on SAML having any issues or is it just us?


Andrea Imre
Associate Professor
Electronic Resources Librarian
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Morris Library - MC6632
605 Agriculture Dr
Carbondale, IL 62901
phone: 618-453-4339
fax:  618-453-3452
e-mail: aimre at lib.siu.edu<mailto:aimre at lib.siu.edu>

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