[ERMCommittee] FINAL survey
Elizabeth Nelson
enelson at mchenry.edu
Thu Oct 31 20:36:56 UTC 2024
I think it looks good. For question 3 it reads a little awkwardly to me. Can we make it Q3 What else would you like to share about the areas of ERM that you need the most support with?
I know we went back and forth on this, but I think it might be useful to get feedback from anyone who works with any of these e-resources areas. At some institutions that might be one person, but at others that might be several people and they might need different kinds of support.
Click here for student assistance, including financial and mental health resources. <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mchenry.edu/assistance/__;!!DZ3fjg!6gUSwegpktT1qkmz_T4jiE3MqUPirgkuRRePo1Yvsu3da4uiLrhIBpTP6clb1NNI_LPj0HvAmD0obDyIBRn22CW3uZsVUw$ >
Click here for other MCC Student Resources.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mchenry.instructure.com/courses/1460884__;!!DZ3fjg!6gUSwegpktT1qkmz_T4jiE3MqUPirgkuRRePo1Yvsu3da4uiLrhIBpTP6clb1NNI_LPj0HvAmD0obDyIBRn22CUtIVho7w$ >
Click here for community health resources. <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mchenrycountyil.gov/departments/health-department__;!!DZ3fjg!6gUSwegpktT1qkmz_T4jiE3MqUPirgkuRRePo1Yvsu3da4uiLrhIBpTP6clb1NNI_LPj0HvAmD0obDyIBRn22CWLMW4kSw$ >
Elizabeth Nelson
Cataloging & Collection Development Librarian
Library Department Chair
P: (815) 455-8775
enelson at mchenry.edu
8900 U.S. Highway 14
Crystal Lake, IL 60012
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.mchenry.edu__;!!DZ3fjg!6gUSwegpktT1qkmz_T4jiE3MqUPirgkuRRePo1Yvsu3da4uiLrhIBpTP6clb1NNI_LPj0HvAmD0obDyIBRn22CVxVOesPQ$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.mchenry.edu/__;!!DZ3fjg!6gUSwegpktT1qkmz_T4jiE3MqUPirgkuRRePo1Yvsu3da4uiLrhIBpTP6clb1NNI_LPj0HvAmD0obDyIBRn22CXJceS-kA$ >
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From: ERMCommittee <ermcommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu> On Behalf Of Tolbert, Marisa via ERMCommittee
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 1:35 PM
To: ermcommittee at carli.illinois.edu
Subject: [ERMCommittee] FINAL survey
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of McHenry County College. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
See attached or visit Box for the final version<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/5bhfap05q8nwwubtmcxqx6u059yi3w95__;!!DZ3fjg!_rwJ4wweSReBv1QcEMoXzODMeoQcoZzyW5yMRCh0fc9Y2ncZia9cCkP6Djmng7yxdSIeSrxheT0yPrQLAr7eUxvCN9FAgtRy$> of the survey. Please reply all to this email by end of business day tomorrow, Thursday, October 31, 2024, with the following:
1. That you approve this as the final version or that you have suggestions.
2. Do we only want to hear from one person at a library managing electronic resources or any persons at a library managing electronic resources?
Marisa Tolbert
(Mah-ree-sah Toll-burt)
Pronouns: they/she<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.glsen.org/activity/pronouns-guide-glsen__;!!DZ3fjg!_rwJ4wweSReBv1QcEMoXzODMeoQcoZzyW5yMRCh0fc9Y2ncZia9cCkP6Djmng7yxdSIeSrxheT0yPrQLAr7eUxvCN58AbWmu$>
Library Services Coordinator
Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/>)
marisab2 at uillinois.edu<mailto:marisab2 at uillinois.edu>
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