[ERMCommittee] survey draft revisions
Tolbert, Marisa
marisab2 at uillinois.edu
Mon Sep 30 13:51:55 UTC 2024
I have revised the survey based on what was brought up in our September 20 meeting, see the first attachment "E-Resources_Management_Topics_2024 post meeting revisions draft" and the second attachment is the first draft as a frame of reference. There was a lot of discussion about Q2 and Q4 from the first draft. In the revision draft, I coded the questions that were modified to show the differences, ex: former Q2.
Marisa Tolbert
(Mah-ree-sah Toll-burt)
Pronouns: they/she<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.glsen.org/activity/pronouns-guide-glsen__;!!DZ3fjg!4yuACW5TWUbNmMG8uQvljpQhUzUCAtAXOUhxo9hviBlgtpeHBluVmi_3ZszZjWvmaj7XXccGAbDRBX2lJgud6pbV4qqfLMny$ >
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