[ERMCommittee] Friday presentation

Wallis, Lisa l-wallis at neiu.edu
Tue Feb 11 20:52:22 UTC 2025

As I'm putting the finishing touches on the presentation for Friday. I'm
seeing more and more features added to EBSCO Experience Manager having to
do EDS.

We only use Primo VE, so most of these settings do not apply.

Are any of you EDS users, and could you take a peek and some of the new
possible configurations in EEM in case people ask questions? I'm thinking
specifically of the Integrations area of EBSCO Configuration.



*If you'd like to meet with me, please schedule yourself on my calendar
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendar.app.google/6877kZBhVLcNiGnf9__;!!DZ3fjg!72yFwm-3VWfqOQ8kekiqkT4ouHxnkhTuFeo7SjwZH5ZXuDQ9rcwe-8DSYPB0asGfviVJBukijfTt6iiAHNhXMhH-FYZs$ >.*

*Need help navigating the NEIU Libraries' resources? Check out
the Introduction to Research at the NEIU Libraries
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://neiulibraries.libguides.com/tutorials__;!!DZ3fjg!72yFwm-3VWfqOQ8kekiqkT4ouHxnkhTuFeo7SjwZH5ZXuDQ9rcwe-8DSYPB0asGfviVJBukijfTt6iiAHNhXMpCCCo8L$ > guide.  Y**ou can
also reach out through chat or email
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.neiu.edu/neiu-libraries/ask-librarian__;!!DZ3fjg!72yFwm-3VWfqOQ8kekiqkT4ouHxnkhTuFeo7SjwZH5ZXuDQ9rcwe-8DSYPB0asGfviVJBukijfTt6iiAHNhXMgcrB3ri$ > any time if you have

*To contact me about NEIUPI contract issues, please write me at the
Grievance Officer email address, neiupigo at gmail.com <neiupigo at gmail.com>*

Lisa Wallis, eResources & Systems Librarian / Professor

*NEIU Libraries*

Northeastern Illinois University

5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625

Phone: (773) 442-4571


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