[OERCommittee] CARLI OER Committee Meeting Agenda and documents for August 25
Shultz, Susan
SSHULTZ at depaul.edu
Mon Aug 24 15:18:30 CDT 2020
Hello everyone,
The agenda for the first meeting of CARLI's Open Educational Resources Committee tomorrow is below. We have also attached the minutes from our last meeting as a Task Force in June, the OER Proposal for the ILA Public Policy Committee, and the draft OER Task Force Annual Report including the OER Committee Proposal.
We look forward to working together with all of you.
Janet and Sue
Open Educational Resources Committee
August 25, 2020 at Noon
Zoom Meeting URL: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/91197717524?pwd=cG1UYTFTUzcwMHdMMEsyWThOd1FZZz09
Phone: 312-626-6799 or 646-518-9805
Meeting ID: 911 9771 7524
Password: 54321
* Introductions
* Determine minutes taker
* Review minutes from June (attached)
* Future Meetings
* Member Announcements
* CARLI Updates
* OER Proposal for ILA Public Policy Committee (attached)
* Professional Development Alliance Programming
* OER Commons
* Open Textbook Library MARC Records
* Review Committee Charge (https://www.carli.illinois.edu/governance/committee-directory/comm?comm_id=60&constit=no&dates=yes)
* Continuing Education
* CARLI OER Virtual Training
* Faculty Workshops
* Committee Review (Timeline)
* Planning for Year
"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."
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Name: ILA Public Policy Committee Proposal OER Task Force Oct 2019.pdf
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Desc: ILA Public Policy Committee Proposal OER Task Force Oct 2019.pdf
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