[OERCommittee] CARLI OER Committee Minutes from 12/17/2020 Meeting

Shultz, Susan SSHULTZ at depaul.edu
Fri Dec 18 14:33:43 CST 2020

Hello everyone,

The minutes from our December 17 meeting are attached.

Just a friendly reminder that volunteers are needed for two projects:

  *   Open Textbook Pilot Grant: The subgrant process will need volunteers if CARLI is awarded an Open Textbook Pilot grant at the beginning of January 2021. Please let Anne Craig, Elizabeth or Nicole know if you would like to volunteer.
  *   CARLI OER Commons Hub: If anyone is willing to add their own institution on the hub, please let Elizabeth, Dan, Anne Chernaik, or Nicole know. The content will need to be added anytime through the first week of February 2021 as this will allow time for the implementation before the go-live date. See the details in the minutes.

Happy Holidays everyone!
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