[OERCommittee] FW: [otn] Re: panOpen launches new partnership with VitalSource

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Thu Jul 9 13:09:29 CDT 2020

On the OTN list today, after the panOpen announcement there was a query about any comparison information available (see the end of this email for that original thread), several noted that Abbey Elder from Iowa State University had compiled information.

Here’s the direct link as I didn’t know that existed!


"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."

From: open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com <open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Elder, Abbey K [LIB]
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 1:06 PM
To: Cheryl E Ball <cheryl.ball at wayne.edu>; Veronica Bielat <veronica.bielat at wayne.edu>
Cc: Cuillier, Cheryl A - (ccuillie) <ccuillie at arizona.edu>; open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [otn] Re: panOpen launches new partnership with VitalSource

Thanks for the note, Cheryl,

Most of the information on the spreadsheet is about commercial platforms (their price point, what they contain, comments, etc). The open platforms tab was added later to let people know that alternatives do, in fact, exist! I could certainly change the name to reflect that addition, though.

Thank you all for sharing this! It's completely open for editing except the first couple of pages, so feel free to add to it if you'd like.

Abbey Elder
Open Access & Scholarly Communication Librarian
Iowa State University
Parks Library
150 Parks Library
701 Morrill Road
Ames, IA 50011-2102
P: 515-294-5753

From: Cheryl E Ball <cheryl.ball at wayne.edu<mailto:cheryl.ball at wayne.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 12:57 PM
To: Veronica Bielat <veronica.bielat at wayne.edu<mailto:veronica.bielat at wayne.edu>>; Elder, Abbey K [LIB] <aelder at iastate.edu<mailto:aelder at iastate.edu>>
Cc: Cheryl E Ball <cheryl.ball at wayne.edu<mailto:cheryl.ball at wayne.edu>>; Cuillier, Cheryl A - (ccuillie) <ccuillie at arizona.edu<mailto:ccuillie at arizona.edu>>; open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com<mailto:open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com> <open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com<mailto:open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com>>
Subject: Re: [otn] Re: panOpen launches new partnership with VitalSource

This is a great resource! I’d recommend changing the title of it (is Abbey on this list? I can also CC her this directly) from “Commercial” platforms to just Platforms, since there’s a whole tab for open (including some academy-owned) platforms — yay! (I guess the doc is crowd-sourced, but making a change that big seems beyond my confidence level without some input from others! But I will also add Fulcrum to the OS part of the spreadsheet.)


Dr. Cheryl E. Ball  |  pronoun flexible
o: 313-577-1846

Director, Digital Publishing Collaborative
Wayne State University Library System

On Jul 9, 2020, at 1:36 PM, Veronica Bielat <veronica.bielat at wayne.edu<mailto:veronica.bielat at wayne.edu>> wrote:

This is so great--thank you Cheryl (and Abbey!)

From: Cuillier, Cheryl A - (ccuillie) <ccuillie at arizona.edu<mailto:ccuillie at arizona.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 1:09 PM
To: Veronica Bielat <veronica.bielat at wayne.edu<mailto:veronica.bielat at wayne.edu>>; open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com<mailto:open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com> <open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com<mailto:open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com>>
Subject: RE: panOpen launches new partnership with VitalSource

Hi Veronica,

Abbey Elder of Iowa State has compiled information on commercial platforms that utilize OER: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xDGIKZ7T5fIho7yrTs8Lpu4zpqPbeqQn76aY6qEnAUg/edit?usp=sharing



Cheryl Cuillier, Open Education Librarian

Main Library A501

1510 E. University Blvd.

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721

(520) 310-9874

ORCID: 0000-0002-6010-4405

From: open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com<mailto:open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com> <open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com<mailto:open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Veronica Bielat
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 10:04 AM
To: open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com<mailto:open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [EXT][otn] Fw: panOpen launches new partnership with VitalSource

External Email

Hello everyone

I find it so challenging to try to parse out information like--is this it's own platform, how are faculty finding out about these options, what are the costs, what is it really offering, from these types of press releases (such as PanOpen--see below).

Does anyone know of any type of collocated list or analysis of these types of resources as they come on the market. It is so challenging to be able to speak about them knowledgeably to faculty and Office for Teaching and Learning staff.

If no, would anyone be interested in starting some type of group to develop an "information center" about platforms and products?


Veronica Bielat<https://library.wayne.edu/info/staff-directory/ag6887>

Student Success Librarian

English Subject Specialist

165 TRC/Purdy LIbrary


veronica.bielat at wayne.edu<mailto:veronica.bielat at wayne.edu>

Remember, you can always ask a librarian<https://library.wayne.edu/services/ask-a-librarian/#instant-message-us>!

she, her, hers


From: panOpen <support at panopen.com<mailto:support at panopen.com>>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 12:00 PM
To: Veronica Bielat <veronica.bielat at wayne.edu<mailto:veronica.bielat at wayne.edu>>
Subject: panOpen launches new partnership with VitalSource

View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/da5b27d7daad/teaching-in-a-time-of-crisis-webinar-series-1724590?e=d9a76feeca>


Dear Veronica,

panOpen<https://panopen.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ed4d78d18c65494a62b5ce4d6&id=39a853b330&e=d9a76feeca> is proud to announce today its new partnership with VitalSource<https://panopen.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ed4d78d18c65494a62b5ce4d6&id=9359d23e41&e=d9a76feeca>, one of the largest distributors of digital educational content in the world, reaching thousands of institutions across more than 200 countries. The partnership is a significant development that broadens the availability of Open Educational Resources (OER).

The new distribution agreement will deliver panOpen OER-based courseware across the network of VitalSource higher education institutions and partners, including Barnes & Noble College Bookstores and many other course material vendors.

For the first time, a courseware platform dedicated to high-quality Open Educational Resources is available to thousands of VitalSource partner institutions in more than 200 countries. This collaboration addresses the need for affordable online educational content at a critical time when students need help and instructors need solutions.

panOpen preserves the virtues of OER—radically reducing textbook costs and freeing faculty from the constraints of commercial copyright—while delivering the quality, features, and ease-of-use faculty expect from their learning materials. panOpen offers complete peer-reviewed content, customization tools, assessments, analytics, LMS integration, as well as an easy way to support financially-smart, campus-based OER initiatives.

For more information regarding panOpen’s partnership with VitalSource, you can view the full press release here<https://panopen.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ed4d78d18c65494a62b5ce4d6&id=5860b4b648&e=d9a76feeca>.

Warm regards,

Team panOpen

Copyright © 2020 panOpen, All rights reserved.
We offer award winning OER products to save students money. We partner with the academic community.

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335 Madison Ave

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