[OERCommittee] Agenda for CARLI OER Committee Meeting on Thursday

Shultz, Susan SSHULTZ at depaul.edu
Tue Nov 17 13:10:23 CST 2020

 Hello everyone,
The agenda for our monthly meeting this Thursday (11/18) at 1:00 is below. Please let me know if you have additional agenda items and please share updates through email.

  *   Determine minutes taker
  *   Review minutes from October
  *   The Open Textbook Pilot Grant (Update from CARLI)
     *   The sub-grant application process (volunteers needed)
  *   CARLI's OER Commons Hub
  *   Faculty Workshop Planning
  *   December Train-the-Trainer Workshop
  *   Evaluation Information From September OER Program (please review ahead of time)

  *   Here’s the evaluation results link for the September OER Course:

Password: September

Connection Information:

Phone one-tap: US: +13126266799, 92218717768# or +12678310333, 92218717768#
Meeting URL:     https://illinois.zoom.us/j/92218717768?pwd=Tmc4OHAwdTQ0ZitmMTNTWkQyVk8wUT09
Meeting ID:         922 1871 7768
Password:           97531

Sue Shultz

Business + Social Sciences Librarian
DePaul University
sshultz at depaul.edu

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