[OERCommittee] Allied health?

Craig, Anne abcraig at uillinois.edu
Wed Oct 7 11:13:53 CDT 2020

I don't. But really anything in the health related fields is what we're looking for. Anne

From: OERCommittee <oercommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu> On Behalf Of Shelley, Anne
Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 10:30 AM
To: oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu
Subject: [OERCommittee] Allied health?


Do we have a specific list of disciplines that we're considering "allied health?" Sorry if this is on the Google doc from the open call and I missed it.


Anne S.

Anne Shelley (she/her/hers) | Scholarly Communication Librarian, Music Librarian | 621A Milner Library, Illinois State University | 309-438-5464 | aeshell at ilstu.edu<mailto:aeshell at ilstu.edu>

Schedule an appointment with me<https://illinoisstate.libcal.com/appointments/anneshelley>

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