[OERCommittee] Grad student request

Chernaik, Anne achernaik at CLCILLINOIS.EDU
Tue Oct 20 13:13:49 CDT 2020

Good afternoon all!  Sorry to use this forum for something potentially non-OER but...

One of my good friends is a professor at Syracuse University's iSchool and is currently teaching the marketing and assessment graduate course.  I had agreed to work with one of the MSLIS students on a project in regards to marketing and the library, but I've had two students contact me and there may be more that are looking for librarians to work with.  Would any of you be willing to work with a library student?  It could potentially be linked to OER efforts at your institution :)  Below is a brief description.  Please contact me with any questions/concerns.  If you are interested you can contact Rebecca Shaffer-Mannion at rshaffer at syr.edu<mailto:rshaffer at syr.edu> and let her know I sent you :)  Thanks for considering.

At the start of the term, the student will meet with you, typically in person or by some other synchronous mode, to learn about your library, as well as the institution, organization, or community of which it is a part. They'll ask lots of questions about the library's strategic priorities, stakeholders, communication plan, ways in which it delivers value to its overarching institution/organization/community, and a number of other topics. This will be a period of intense learning for them. Next, they will brainstorm recommendations for changes or developments that they believe may create value or positive impact for users before settling on one (required) or more (optional) to pursue for the remainder of the course. Students are required to check in with you to confirm that the recommendation they intend to focus on aligns with your needs and goals. During the remainder of the course, the student will contact you, in person, by phone, or by email, to ask additional questions that surface as they learn more about project management, communication/marketing, and assessment in an effort to create a project plan, marketing plan, and assessment plan that could be used to deploy their recommendation(s). It is important to note that students are not, as a part of this course, required to enact their recommendation; they are required only to craft plans that might be used to do so. At the end of the term, the student will provide you with both an electronic and print copy of their Final Report (which includes their analysis of the library, their recommendation(s), a literature review on the subject of their recommendations and their three plans-project, marketing, and assessment) and make a presentation to you and any colleagues you wish to invite. After you have observed their presentation and examined their assignments, I'll need you to provide an appraisal of their work. A draft version of the evaluation questions is enclosed, but your student will also provide an electronic copy of the final form later in the term. You might also wish to ask your student for a copy of the required outline of the Final Report or the course syllabus, as these may be useful in understanding the final product that students are required to complete and share with you.

Anne Chernaik
College of Lake County
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