[OERCommittee] your help with the grant application

Craig, Anne abcraig at uillinois.edu
Wed Oct 21 09:49:10 CDT 2020

Hi there OER Committee!

The Open Textbooks Pilot grant from the US Dept of Education requires that we identify members of the Advisory Committee, who I anticipate will meet quarterly. In addition to providing project oversight, the committee will also help to review the OER for completeness and relevance to the workplace. We are required to have at least three employers, workforce organizations, or sector partners (defined below) serve on the Advisory Committee.

I am asking if you know of anyone whom I could reach out to who would be interested in serving on the committee. I've included the focus area of the grant below to help you think of anyone who might be appropriate. Please let me know! THANKS so much! Anne

The focus area of the grant is

The Human Condition: Care, Development, and Lifespan
Specific subjects include health, health information management, nutrition, microbiology, immunobiology, genetics, laboratory skills, audiology, radiology, dental, child development, developmental psychology (and disorders), personality, nursing, sport, therapy (massage, physical, occupational), occupational safety, social work, counselling, speech/communication development and pathology, EMT, human sexuality, social psychology, and biochemistry.

Sector partner means a member of a workforce collaborative, convened by or acting in partnership with a State board or local board, that organizes key stakeholders interconnected by labor markets, technologies, and worker skill needs into a working group that focuses on shared goals and resource needs.
Workforce stakeholder means an individual or organization with an interest in the employability of others either for self-interest or the interest of other employers.

Anne Craig
Senior Director, CARLI
The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois
100 Trade Centre Drive, Suite 303
Champaign, IL 61820
abcraig at uillinois.edu<mailto:abcraig at uillinois.edu>
Pronouns: she, her, hers

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