[OERCommittee] Call for volunteer guest speakers for next CARLI virtual course

Swatscheno, Janet Marie jswatsc2 at uic.edu
Tue Sep 1 10:13:51 CDT 2020

Hello everyone,

Based on feedback from our Summer participants, we would like to invite committee members to volunteer to be a guest speaker at our next series of CARLI Virtual Course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources (September 2020). The topic that came up specifically was "working with faculty" but we're open to other topics!

The time commitment would be very small-just a 5-10 minute talk on an OER topic during one of our next training sessions.

Here is the schedule:
Session 1: Tuesday, September 15, 1-2:15
Session 2: September 22, 1-2:15
Session 3: September 29, 1-2:15

Please let us know if you're interested in volunteering.

Janet Swatscheno
Instructor & Digital Publishing Librarian
University Library
University of Illinois at Chicago
801 South Morgan Street
Chicago, IL 60607
jswatsc2 at uic.edu<mailto:jswatsc2 at uic.edu>

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