[OERCommittee] September 2020 - CARLI OER Course (previously called the OER train-the-trainer program)

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Thu Sep 10 11:43:54 CDT 2020

Hi OER Committee,

A few weeks ago, you were invited to a Box folder with what was the unhelpful name "Virtual Train-the-Trainer." This is the folder with the PowerPoint presentations for the virtual OER program (course), that was previously called a train-the-trainer program.  The program is for CARLI members to attend and then be able to offer training at their own institution.

Janet, Sue, and I used the agenda from the April 2018 one-day Open Textbook Network sessions, information from the OEN Certificate in OER Librarianship, and input from the OER Task Force to create the presentations and the asynchronous materials.  Instead of a day-long virtual program, it is now 3 "live sessions" with asynchronous material to complete before each.

At the end of this message is the email sent to the September registrants for the program.

The sessions will be held September 15, 22, and 29 from 1:00-2:15pm. All committee members are invited to attend and if you can only attend one session that's ok.  Connection information noted in the message below.

Here's a link to a Google document so that you can see all the messages that will be sent weekly to the participants:

On September 1, Janet invited committee members:
"Based on feedback from our Summer participants, we would like to invite committee members to volunteer to be a guest speaker at our next series of CARLI Virtual Course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources (September 2020). The topic that came up specifically was "working with faculty" but we're open to other topics!"

Hearing from different perspectives makes the program more relatable for the participants.

If you do not feel comfortable with the topic "working with faculty," you are invited to present ONE topic during the September session of the program.  If you look at the PowerPoint Presenations (in the Box folder), you can review the slides that will be used.  You can use the slides as is or if you would like to use your own, the slidedeck can be updated with your changes. The time commitment is very small - just a 5-10 minute talk.


"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."

From: Clarage, Elizabeth <clarage at uillinois.edu>
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2020 11:16 AM
To: Clarage, Elizabeth <clarage at uillinois.edu>
Cc: Shultz, Susan <SSHULTZ at depaul.edu>; Swatscheno, Janet Marie <jswatsc2 at uic.edu>
Subject: Welcome to the CARLI Virtual Course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources (September 2020)


Thank you for participating in the CARLI Virtual Program: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources.

At the end of this message are the assignments to complete prior to the first live session on Tuesday, September 15.

The virtual program will contain both synchronous (3 live 75-minutes Zoom sessions) and asynchronous (readings, videos, etc.). The live sessions will include some presentations, but the aim of the program planners is that these will incorporate a flipped classroom model to build community among participants as all share and discuss the topics. We will be using Zoom, if you have the technology available, please be ready to use video as well as audio. The asynchronous portions of the training will not take longer than one hour of your time (& probably less) each week.

This course is designed to help the novice person learning about open educational resources to apply the information from this program to build their own local programs and workshops as they move up the Bloom's Taxonomy from remember and understand to apply.

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D6569C.B3AF5EF0]
The above graphic is from Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).

Connection information for the 75-minutes live sessions (September 15 @ 1-2:15pm, September 22 @ 1-2:15pm, September 29 @ 1-2:15pm)

Join Zoom Meeting<https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96328423381?pwd=b2NjSlA5K0lST3hRL3FNU0FUeDNaZz09>

Phone one-tap: US: +13126266799,,96328423381# or +14703812552,,96328423381#

Meeting URL:     https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96328423381?pwd=b2NjSlA5K0lST3hRL3FNU0FUeDNaZz09

Phone:                 +1 312 626 6799 or +1 470 381 2552
Meeting ID:         963 2842 3381
Password:           13579

Asynchronous portions of the program will be shared with you weekly.

Asynchronous activities to complete before the first Zoom meeting.
Identifying the Issues / Defining Open Educational Resources

  1.  Lookup the United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/). What does it say about higher education?
  2.  Watch: The Impact of High Textbook Costs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=-4IswNs0WWE&feature=emb_logo)  (3 minutes)
  3.  Identify the "Cost of Attendance" for your institution. How much does your institution state is the annual cost for "books and supplies"?
Hint: Do a Google search for "cost of attendance" and the name of your institution
  4.  Read the the National Association of College Stores 6/20/2020 Press Release on their Student Watch(tm): Attitudes and Behaviors toward Course Materials: 2020 Report (https://www.nacs.org/advocacynewsmedia/pressreleases/tabid/1579/ArticleID/939/NACS-Report-Student-Spending-on-Course-Materials-Continues-to-Decline.aspx)
[As of 11am 9/10/2020, the NACS site is not available, here's a link to "OnCampus Research, a division of the National Association of College Stores" with similar information (https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/badb3262/files/uploaded/OCR.1310.06.20_Student_Watch_2020_Infographic-2.pdf)]

  1.  Read the Introduction to Open Educational Resources in the OER Starter Kit by Abbey K. Elder (https://iastate.pressbooks.pub/oerstarterkit/chapter/introduction/)

Participant Expectations for Session 1
You are expected in session one to introduce yourself including: What you do with OER at your institution? and Why are you interested in OER?
During the session, there will be two discussion with these questions:

  *   What are your institutional and faculty concerns regarding OER?
  *   What are student issues regarding course materials?

If you have the technology available, please be ready to use video as well as audio.

This program has been developed by members of the CARLI OER Committee based upon the one-day sessions provided by the Open Education Network.

If you have any questions, please send them to Elizabeth Clarage at clarage at uillinois.edu<mailto:clarage at uillinois.edu> .

"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."

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