[OERCommittee] [EXT] Re: Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Grant Program

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Wed Jan 13 16:37:05 CST 2021

Thank you all!

FYI: the Department of Education site now has the abstracts of the funded projects available:

"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."

From: Shultz, Susan <SSHULTZ at depaul.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 3:25 PM
To: Shelley, Anne <aeshell at ilstu.edu>; Swatscheno, Janet Marie <jswatsc2 at uic.edu>; Clarage, Elizabeth <clarage at uillinois.edu>; oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: [OERCommittee] Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Grant Program

Agree! Thank you for your work and passion that went into the grant proposal.

From: OERCommittee <oercommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:oercommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu>> on behalf of Shelley, Anne <aeshell at ilstu.edu<mailto:aeshell at ilstu.edu>>
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 3:11:41 PM
To: Swatscheno, Janet Marie; Clarage, Elizabeth; oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu>
Subject: [EXT] Re: [OERCommittee] Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Grant Program

Hear, hear!

Anne S.

From: OERCommittee <oercommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:oercommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu>> On Behalf Of Swatscheno, Janet Marie
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 3:10 PM
To: Clarage, Elizabeth <clarage at uillinois.edu<mailto:clarage at uillinois.edu>>; oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu>
Subject: Re: [OERCommittee] Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Grant Program

[This message came from an external source. If suspicious, report to abuse at ilstu.edu<mailto:abuse at ilstu.edu>]
Thank you Elizabeth, Anne, and Nicole for all the hard work you put into the grant! It's a shame we didn't get it this time, but it's heartening to see that the Dept. of Ed awarded multiple grants. I hope we have better luck in the future!


From: OERCommittee <oercommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:oercommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu>> On Behalf Of Clarage, Elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 2:54 PM
To: oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu>
Subject: [OERCommittee] Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Grant Program

Hello all,

CARLI did not receive a grant from the Department of Education for its Open Textbook Pilot Program.

There were 31 proposals. Four were funded.  Here's the information that we have about those:

Applicant Name
FY 2020
West Hills Community College District
Middlesex County College
Louisiana Board of Regents
The University of Texas at Arlington

We did receive the reviewers scores and comments. The comments were positive and gave us good feedback.

"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."

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