[OERCommittee] poll for OER Commons Overview for the CARLI OER Committee

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Fri Jan 15 14:45:13 CST 2021

The OER Commons staff will be giving an OER Commons Overview for the CARLI OER Committee.

This will be scheduled for 1.5 hours but most content may be covered in the first hour.

We are polling for a date that would work for you in the next few weeks. We'd like to know if Thursdays at 1pm will work for you.

Here's the poll: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doodle.com/poll/kmwwxfm2aednb5em?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link__;!!DZ3fjg!vI-9jeABlhPMQmDecgVSNORyxVNoc1JZbj7H3w6NhnqDYHJFgvWjB46g4qDcTOXeJzEvIxY4EA$ 

If it does not work for a majority of the committee we will send a poll with additional times.

Please complete the survey by January 20.


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