[OERCommittee] Highlights from the OER Course Alumni Information Meeting on 1/27

Swanson, Nicole Marie long20 at uillinois.edu
Thu Jan 28 09:58:51 CST 2021

OER Committee,

We wanted to share a couple highlights from the OER Course Alumni Information Meeting yesterday:

An attendee appreciated that CARLI was hosting an OER Faculty Workshop since she is the only librarian at her institution and didn't have the time to devote to planning this right now.

Attendees expressed their desires for future sessions on the following topics now that they have attended the introductory OER Course:

  *   A session with institutions who have OER in full effect or have a strong OER program: how it was developed (from beginning to end), what worked and didn't work, and everything in between.
  *   Best practices
  *   How to get support for OER / how to get OER funding
  *   The OER authoring process
  *   Examples of messaging to communicate OER to the right people on campus
Chris or Dan, if there is anything we missed, feel free to share!

Nicole and Elizabeth

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