[OERCommittee] University of Illinois System/CARLI Awarded $1 Million Open Textbook Pilot Grant!

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Thu Jun 10 18:13:48 UTC 2021

Just announced!

The University of Illinois System/CARLI has been awarded a 3-year $1.08 million from the U.S. Department of Education’s Open Textbooks Pilot Program – a competitive grant program based on US Senate Majority Whip and Illinois Senator Richard Durbin’s Affordable College Textbook Act<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.durbin.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/durbin-king-smith-sinema-neguse-introduce-bicameral-legislation-to-help-make-college-textbooks-more-affordable__;!!DZ3fjg!vMcLILkKyvNzDPBf4_qvkN8H6YCqEKkJXhax3LpHhyzLPd5DcQsuUN4pbAxQkLS0O0qaGOVacQ$ >.  The grant will fund Illinois SCOERs (Support for Creation of Open Educational Resources), a program that will provide access to open textbooks and personalized learning tools for entry-level courses in high-demand health care and human development career paths.

“Illinois SCOERs is a true statewide enterprise that will fundamentally change the open educational resources landscape in Illinois by providing a new holistic support model that will promote student success through OER awareness, implementation, growth, and adoption,” said Anne Craig, senior director of CARLI.

CARLI staff will be working with grant partners to initiate planning for the project. The grant period is three years, 9/1/21-8/30/24.

The full press release is available<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.durbin.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/university-of-illinois-system-awarded-1-million-open-textbook-pilot-grant__;!!DZ3fjg!vMcLILkKyvNzDPBf4_qvkN8H6YCqEKkJXhax3LpHhyzLPd5DcQsuUN4pbAxQkLS0O0q3CvMNAw$ > from Senator Durbin’s web site.

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