[OERCommittee] request for you: CARLI OER Continuing Education Programs instruction

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Mon Sep 20 19:18:54 UTC 2021

Hi OER Committee, Here's the message about teaching one of the CARLI OER Committee sponsored programs. Please let us know if you are interested in teaching - see details below. Thanks!

This message is to invite you to be an instructor for one of CARLI's offerings of OER Continuing Education for the upcoming academic year. The OER Committee met and felt that there was demand for multiple sessions for both the 3-week asynchronous and synchronous "CARLI OER Course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources" and the online "OER Faculty Workshop: Supporting Academic Success: Open Educational Resources and Affordable Course Materials."

Details about the course and workshop & your responsibilities as an instructor
The 3-week course is 3 live 90-minutes sessions along with an hour instructor prep session prior to each live session. The expectation is that you would be at each session and teach a portion of each week's class along with another instructor plus CARLI staff (total 4 people). Course content is already created with PowerPoint slides and speaker notes. You only teach the content that you feel comfortable teaching. The audience for this course is librarians and others on campus that are working on campus-wide affordable projects.

The "OER Faculty Workshop: Supporting Academic Success: Open Educational Resources and Affordable Course Materials" is a virtual program scheduled for 2 hours that contains a 90 minutes presentation and allows time for 30 minutes of questions. There are 2 instructors plus CARLI staff (total 4 people). Program content is already created with PowerPoint slides and speaker notes. You only teach the content that you feel comfortable teaching. The audience for this workshop is teaching faculty.

If you are willing to be an instructor for the upcoming year, please send a note to Elizabeth and Nicole<mailto:clarage at uillinois.edu;%20long20 at uillinois.edu?subject=CARLI%20OER%20continuing%20education%20opportunities> by October 1, 2021.

Include in the note:

  *   If you are interested in teaching the 3-week OER Course or the OER Faculty Workshop (or both)
  *   Which sessions you are available

The goal is to have enough instructors that you would only need teach once this upcoming year.

December 1, 8, 15 (time to be determined - that would fit into instructors' schedules)
December 2, 9, 16 (time to be determined - that would fit into instructors' schedules)
February dates to be determined from instructors' availability for the weeks of February 7, 14, and 21
May dates to be determined from instructors' availability for the weeks of May 16, 23, 30

CARLI OER Faculty Workshop:
January 2022 - last week of the month (specific day/time to be determined)
February 2022 - last week of the month (specific day/time to be determined)
March 2022 - last week of the month (specific day/time to be determined)

Thank you for considering this opportunity!

Elizabeth Clarage and Nicole Swanson
CARLI OER Committee Staff Liaisons

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