[OERCommittee] FW: [oen] You’re Invited: Celebrate 10 Years of the OTL!

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Fri Mar 18 16:05:22 UTC 2022

Here’s the note about the OTL 10th birthday celebration that I mentioned at the end of yesterday’s OER Committee meeting. There are now 1005 open textbooks in the Open Textbook Library! Elizabeth

"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."

From: 'Barb Thees' via Open Education Network <open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [oen] You’re Invited: Celebrate 10 Years of the OTL!

Good Afternoon!

The Open Textbook Library (OTL) is turning 10, and you’re invited to the birthday bash! Join us in celebrating this milestone along with higher education's increasing engagement with open educational resources and practices over the past ten years.

>From OTL trivia, to virtual party favors and an opportunity for our community to share input on the future direction of the OTL, this is a party that you won't want to miss!

[10 years, 2012 to 2022]

Open Textbook Library 10th Birthday Celebration

April 14, 2-3pm CT

Zoom link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://z.umn.edu/otl10__;!!DZ3fjg!qRXdwsTbXDcLEGVwakLWeZ7EsZHdit7youJ1GEgDxokT8Gu9WComHhkrCQpgV2BHaGxy_q-OGg$ 

We look forward to seeing you there!


The OTL Birthday Party Planning Committee

Mandi Goodsett, Cleveland State University

Tonia Johnson, OEN

Karen Lauritsen, OEN

Jonathan Poritz, Colorado State University- Pueblo

Barb Thees, OEN

Daphne Tseng, College of Eastern Idaho

Michael Whitchurch, Brigham Young University

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