[OERCommittee] Statement to College Course Materials Affordability and Equitable Access Task Force
Matthews, Daniel
matthewsd29 at morainevalley.edu
Mon May 23 16:15:11 UTC 2022
Hi Everyone!
On Thursday, we talked about sending the draft statement to the CARLI Exec Board for approval. I would like for just one more pass at the draft to make sure it's representing our thoughts and the topic at hand as best as possible. I've shared this with IACRL and ILA, and they are on board with the sentiment and are open to wording changes that may be necessary.
I've updated the draft with some feedback from people in IACRL/ILA, so it's changed slightly since the last time I sent the link out. The CARLI board is meeting on June 10th, so we should have the statement in the form we'd like them to receive it by June 3rd so it can make it into their packets on time.
Here's the link to the statement: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/yfpqzuv1i5z27ujmhzpzb259efifpcrb__;!!DZ3fjg!-CNl5CPJFbkEhONp7-oofpfk7DRl1kV-_pIf8XsZiDN7faYVSt2zZRuI2WuT5hwSzZlZD65UxWi015_fyYHP5_vUgetilw0po5GZpNMz$
Let me know if you have any comments, questions, or concerns.
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