[OERCommittee] Open Pedagogy Programs
Clarage, Elizabeth
clarage at uillinois.edu
Tue Nov 1 21:17:46 UTC 2022
As mentioned during the OER Committee meeting today here are presentations about Open Pedagogy. I'll send out a poll to determine a time to meet to work on an open pedagogy program. If you were not at the OER Committee meeting and would like to be involved send me a message, and I'll send you the poll too. Thanks, Elizabeth
April 6, 2022, Dr. Carlos Goller, Nimble Open Pedagogy to Connect Classrooms, Scholars, and Projects<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nuigalway.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/Nimble*Open*Pedagogy*to*Connect*Classrooms*2C*Scholars*2C*and*Projects**A28OS*Caf**Bon*Open*Education*29/1_eppp6p0g__;KysrKyslKyUrKyslK8OpKysrJQ!!DZ3fjg!5j2P0Un96kOlFJTgBTbOFu2lcj79ZJUjAKmIBqAI4d4qinKHnS5ExL07D-p-24CEIcq_kO9QTx1u29nTxattoqsosIzpsyI$ >
CARLI's Two-Part Series: Open Pedagogy In OER Series: Recordings, Slides, & Resources<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/professional-development-alliance>
* March 8, 2022 Workshop 1: From Open Resources to Equitable, Student-Centered Practices
* March 15, 2022 Workshop 2: Implementing Open Pedagogy: Outreach and Advocacy for Developing Faculty Partnerships
April 12, 2021, New England Board of Higher Education, Open Pedagogy in Practice<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nebhe.org/event/open-pedagogy-webinar/__;!!DZ3fjg!5j2P0Un96kOlFJTgBTbOFu2lcj79ZJUjAKmIBqAI4d4qinKHnS5ExL07D-p-24CEIcq_kO9QTx1u29nTxattoqsoosyHhtI$ >
One of the presenters is Robin DeRosa who was mentioned during our OER Course overview of Open Pedagogy. She discusses her project and where it is now.
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