From matthewsd29 at Mon Oct 3 20:41:20 2022 From: matthewsd29 at (Matthews, Daniel) Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2022 20:41:20 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] OER Committee Meeting Agenda Message-ID: Hi All! First, welcome to our newest committee member, Lauren Kosrow! Second, here?s the link to the agenda for tomorrow?s meeting:;!!DZ3fjg!-zHvOAEldln9dqyNldNZPdQtFSJhTpIA_wYNI2Ly6t5kmNgQfXEZxgih8C247Zt3NW1WuxEjoNX-CgNJA4bqUVP9CULwuYtLrxOkFD9t$ If you have any agenda items to add, you can do so in the document, or share them with Tineka or me and we can add them. The link to the September minutes can be found in the agenda. I?ll be about 20 minutes late to our meeting due to a staff development day program. Thanks! Dan Digital Services Librarian Moraine Valley Community College 708-608-4147 9000 W College Pkwy Palos Hills, IL 60465 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dphares at Tue Oct 4 15:03:43 2022 From: dphares at (DeeAnna Phares) Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 15:03:43 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] OER Committee Meeting Agenda In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi, all. I wanted to let you know that I am going to be running late too because I have to cover the Research Help Desk until noon. Best, Dee Anna Dee Anna Phares, PhD, MLIS (she/her/hers) Assistant Professor & Subject Specialist Librarian History ? Psychology ? Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations ? Women?s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies ? Juvenile Collection [cid:image001.png at 01D8D7D8.442F7BE0] 815.753.1770 ? dphares at From: OERCommittee On Behalf Of Matthews, Daniel via OERCommittee Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022 3:41 PM To: oercommittee at Subject: [OERCommittee] OER Committee Meeting Agenda Hi All! First, welcome to our newest committee member, Lauren Kosrow! Second, here?s the link to the agenda for tomorrow?s meeting:;!!DZ3fjg!5Ho4O-4ftm03o2MWPPk3ufZHjIl6c7RXM9SZJh1sQ4H8R2jAoYKKIlWEiySBmbaSQRxt0mJOAshcQ1GLAU8OU36tXq8$ If you have any agenda items to add, you can do so in the document, or share them with Tineka or me and we can add them. The link to the September minutes can be found in the agenda. I?ll be about 20 minutes late to our meeting due to a staff development day program. Thanks! Dan Digital Services Librarian Moraine Valley Community College 708-608-4147 9000 W College Pkwy Palos Hills, IL 60465 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 14536 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: From dbanks at Thu Oct 6 13:16:27 2022 From: dbanks at (Banks, Dorinne) Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2022 13:16:27 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] Fw: Wiley Ebooks Update In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Most recent update from Wiley states they will reinstate the ebooks for a limited time: Publisher reinstates blocked ebooks, but librarians unsatisfied ( Elizabeth, this sounds different than what Wiley told CARLI (e.g. access via Vital Source) [;!!DZ3fjg!5IikewKDIIA2G_u8BXAIIEewO4kW5xaRRRdVjSGHcS5reyuXptv4xp9VeFjwTS1ItiYwLUCLuj5uOk9owXfU749X58w$ ] Publisher reinstates blocked ebooks, but librarians unsatisfied Wiley, after scrambling fall courses by withdrawing more 1,380 ebooks, now says it will restore access to the course materials. Its short-term solution leaves many librarians unsatisfied.;!!DZ3fjg!5IikewKDIIA2G_u8BXAIIEewO4kW5xaRRRdVjSGHcS5reyuXptv4xp9VeFjwTS1ItiYwLUCLuj5uOk9owXfUBkXlsPs$ Dorinne Banks (she/her) Online Campus Librarian Schedule an appointment with me [cid:e4afcaf1-45e4-4e9f-98f9-a2db30934d21] NOTE: I am in the Eastern Time Zone and do not have a physical office in Chicago. [cid:90025934-fc8e-49ee-b84e-18b2c5a03792] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-e5gjjcvl.gif Type: image/gif Size: 15321 bytes Desc: Outlook-e5gjjcvl.gif URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-jsvli2v3.png Type: image/png Size: 43815 bytes Desc: Outlook-jsvli2v3.png URL: From long20 at Mon Oct 10 17:36:12 2022 From: long20 at (Swanson, Nicole Marie) Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:36:12 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] CARLI Action Plan - OEN Certificate in OER Librarianship Final Project Message-ID: OER Committee, Michele and I would like to share the CARLI Action Plan we've created as our final project of the OEN Certificate in OER Librarianship program in case you have an interest in viewing it. In reflection, we are proud of how our consortia is working together and relying on each other (current and past OER Committee and Task Force members, additional CARLI members, and CARLI staff) to support OER efforts across CARLI-member institutions. We have come a long way since 2017 when CARLI members first crowdfunded our membership in the Open Textbook Network and we anticipate this Action Plan is fluid and will adjust to reflect the current and future interests and needs of CARLI members. Best, Nicole and Michele -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From clarage at Tue Oct 11 13:43:33 2022 From: clarage at (Clarage, Elizabeth) Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 13:43:33 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] FW: Wiley Plans to Restore Access to Approximately 1, 380 E-Book Titles In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I know that I mentioned the Wiley ebooks that were removed from ProQuest Ebook Central at our last committee meeting. Apologies for any duplication if you?ve already seen the announcement. Elizabeth "Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure." From: LibLicense-L Discussion Forum On Behalf Of LIBLICENSE Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 1:16 PM To: LIBLICENSE-L at LISTSERV.CRL.EDU Subject: Wiley Plans to Restore Access to Approximately 1,380 E-Book Titles From: Ann Shumelda Okerson > Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2022 14:21:53 -0400 Via Gary Price at InfoDocket: Wiley Plans to Restore Access to Approximately 1,380 E-Book Titles Removed from ProQuest Academic Complete Collection In June 2020, Wiley requested our library aggregator partner ProQuest transition approximately 1,380 ebooks out of its Academic Complete online digital library as part of a regular review of collections. In working with ProQuest, this change was delayed to August 2022 for contractual reasons and to provide time for customers to make any necessary adjustments. Nevertheless, many customers were caught off guard. After reviewing the decision against the current environment and listening to our customers, we are returning these ebooks to the ProQuest Academic Complete collection so libraries that subscribe to the service can access them again. We are working to restore access to the ebooks as soon as possible. The materials will remain in the collection through June 2023 to ensure access through the remainder of the academic year. [SNIP];!!DZ3fjg!76hQXRpUE-olYyZN_2InXqQLWA_G-V1I0XhuKFIW-mw-mlXqTL4txVQVzVJteqpfXzMmAMxBgFQHTK7n-o5ncENRwlY7rFU$ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From long20 at Wed Oct 12 13:51:47 2022 From: long20 at (Swanson, Nicole Marie) Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 13:51:47 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] Please register for the November 15 and December 7 CARLI OER Office Hours Message-ID: Hi all, Please register for the upcoming CARLI OER Office Hours if you are available: November 15, 1:00-2:00 p.m. Assessing the Impact of OER. Thank you Christina for leading this session! December 7, 1:00-2:00 p.m. Moving from Cheerleading to Change. Thank you Dee Anna for leading this session! If you would like to volunteer to take notes for the December 7 Office Hour, please add your name to the document in Box. Thank you! Nicole -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From clarage at Wed Oct 12 14:20:08 2022 From: clarage at (Clarage, Elizabeth) Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 14:20:08 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] informational session for OEN Certificate in OER Librarianship Program Message-ID: Hi CARLI OER Committee members, The information session about CARLI's registration support for the OEN Certificate in OER Librarianship Program is tomorrow, October 13, from 10-11 a.m. If you plan to attend, please let me know. I'll be sharing some questions with those that have been through the program just in case the audience doesn't ask questions, and I can share those with you. Here's the connection information if you are free and want to attend: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 881 8089 3033 Password: 20220919 Thanks! "Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure." -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From khale at Tue Oct 25 22:38:17 2022 From: khale at (Hale, Kim) Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 22:38:17 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] Needing a ride to Chicago after the annual CARLI meeting Message-ID: Hello everyone, sorry to use this for a personal request, but I'm in a tricky bind. Are any members driving from Chicago to Champaign for the annual meeting? I need a ride back as neither Amtrak nor Greyhound has service to Chicago after 4pm. If anyone is willing to assist, I'd appreciate it very much. Thank you, Kim Kimberly A. Hale, Academic Engagement Librarian Columbia College Chicago Library 624 S. Michigan Ave., Rm 210 Chicago, IL 60605 Phone: 312-369-7355 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From matthewsd29 at Fri Oct 28 19:38:53 2022 From: matthewsd29 at (Matthews, Daniel) Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 19:38:53 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] Agenda for Nov 2 Meeting Message-ID: Hi Everyone! Here is a link to the agenda for Tuesday:;!!DZ3fjg!4QVBasvYpaBNdh3_NVlVq0xaGnPLjW4WLxzYyl2rMcW2A7az2PeVF0UwlmOJv2Llls4G02bca29bQmLwPpYTBXxf0zxcY3TKyFlvt-5g$ Please feel free to edit to add any agenda items or send them to me and I can add them. See you Tuesday Thanks! Dan -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From clarage at Mon Oct 31 15:38:12 2022 From: clarage at (Clarage, Elizabeth) Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 15:38:12 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] November 1 meeting (was: RE: Agenda for Nov 2 Meeting) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi all, just want to make sure that you all caught the typo in the message subject. The agenda has the correct date of November 1. Thanks! Elizabeth "Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure." From: OERCommittee On Behalf Of Matthews, Daniel via OERCommittee Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 2:39 PM To: oercommittee at Subject: [OERCommittee] Agenda for Nov 2 Meeting Hi Everyone! Here is a link to the agenda for Tuesday:;!!DZ3fjg!5NTUbiFrBusShlQthaWx6ACjCKpKTGR4lTKfjk6D7opYyGanQ2w_DaYR74g5_gnk4sx7VkV2Vf6-nMUPpdL56vyu7jNbmYg$ Please feel free to edit to add any agenda items or send them to me and I can add them. See you Tuesday Thanks! Dan -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: