[OERCommittee] OER Committee Meeting Agenda
Matthews, Daniel
matthewsd29 at morainevalley.edu
Mon Oct 3 20:41:20 UTC 2022
Hi All!
First, welcome to our newest committee member, Lauren Kosrow!
Second, here’s the link to the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/xtfunyogdl3gbi5rq3lufvbhyi2khj55__;!!DZ3fjg!-zHvOAEldln9dqyNldNZPdQtFSJhTpIA_wYNI2Ly6t5kmNgQfXEZxgih8C247Zt3NW1WuxEjoNX-CgNJA4bqUVP9CULwuYtLrxOkFD9t$ If you have any agenda items to add, you can do so in the document, or share them with Tineka or me and we can add them.
The link to the September minutes can be found in the agenda.
I’ll be about 20 minutes late to our meeting due to a staff development day program.
Digital Services Librarian
Moraine Valley Community College
9000 W College Pkwy
Palos Hills, IL 60465
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