[OERCommittee] FW: Wiley Plans to Restore Access to Approximately 1, 380 E-Book Titles
Clarage, Elizabeth
clarage at uillinois.edu
Tue Oct 11 13:43:33 UTC 2022
I know that I mentioned the Wiley ebooks that were removed from ProQuest Ebook Central at our last committee meeting. Apologies for any duplication if you’ve already seen the announcement. Elizabeth
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From: LibLicense-L Discussion Forum <LIBLICENSE-L at LISTSERV.CRL.EDU> On Behalf Of LIBLICENSE
Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 1:16 PM
Subject: Wiley Plans to Restore Access to Approximately 1,380 E-Book Titles
From: Ann Shumelda Okerson <aokerson at gmail.com<mailto:asokerson at gmail.com>>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2022 14:21:53 -0400
Via Gary Price at InfoDocket:
Wiley Plans to Restore Access to Approximately 1,380 E-Book Titles
Removed from ProQuest Academic Complete Collection
In June 2020, Wiley requested our library aggregator partner ProQuest
transition approximately 1,380 ebooks out of its Academic Complete
online digital library as part of a regular review of collections. In
working with ProQuest, this change was delayed to August 2022 for
contractual reasons and to provide time for customers to make any
necessary adjustments. Nevertheless, many customers were caught off
After reviewing the decision against the current environment and
listening to our customers, we are returning these ebooks to the
ProQuest Academic Complete collection so libraries that subscribe to
the service can access them again.
We are working to restore access to the ebooks as soon as possible.
The materials will remain in the collection through June 2023 to
ensure access through the remainder of the academic year.
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.infodocket.com/2022/10/05/wiley-plans-to-restore-access-to-approximately-1380-e-book-titles-removed-from-proquest-academic-complete-collection-titles-will-return-as-soon-as-possible/__;!!DZ3fjg!76hQXRpUE-olYyZN_2InXqQLWA_G-V1I0XhuKFIW-mw-mlXqTL4txVQVzVJteqpfXzMmAMxBgFQHTK7n-o5ncENRwlY7rFU$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.infodocket.com/2022/10/05/wiley-plans-to-restore-access-to-approximately-1380-e-book-titles-removed-from-proquest-academic-complete-collection-titles-will-return-as-soon-as-possible/__;!!DZ3fjg!5-kghrKGWTuNM1zTAmD4nGIASChvI0BCOWviR0oksA_6MuMFS101IMU1Vy7IxtgvkGG0uwQeB93yIy3oOF-8FQ$>
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