[OERCommittee] FW: [oen] Call for Applications - Certificate in OER Librarianship 2023
Clarage, Elizabeth
clarage at uillinois.edu
Mon Sep 12 17:28:25 UTC 2022
The call for applicants came out today. I’d like to request we add to tomorrow’s OER Committee Agenda to discuss CARLI Support for member librarians to attend. Thanks!
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From: 'Tanya Grosz' via Open Education Network <open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2022 11:02 AM
To: Open Education Network <open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [oen] Call for Applications - Certificate in OER Librarianship 2023
Apply for the Certificate in OER Librarianship Program through the Open Education Network
The Open Education Network is accepting applications for a cohort of librarians to be certified in OER Librarianship. Applicants should be, or anticipate becoming, newly responsible for building open education programs at their institutions. The Certificate in OER Librarianship offers formal training, a community of peers, and expert mentors in order to build sustainable, collaborative, and effective open education programs on higher education campuses. Librarians who successfully complete the full program will receive a Certificate in OER Librarianship from the Open Education Network.
About the Certificate in OER Librarianship
The Certificate in OER Librarianship is a professional development program that will create effective open education program leaders who want to be stewards and advocates for open educational resources.
Librarians will develop comprehensive knowledge in open education and open education programming, and be able to apply that knowledge within their own local context, culture, and goals. In addition, participants will focus on practices necessary to navigate the interpersonal and institutional conflicts often encountered when building open education programs. Some examples include navigating questions about academic freedom, building productive relationships with the campus bookstore, and engaging library colleagues in open education initiatives. The curriculum will also address how to build and sustain momentum with campus constituents, as well as provide support for building multiple layers of faculty engagement including OER adoption, creation, editing, and teaching strategies.
In addition, the cohort will benefit from close engagement with program faculty<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/open.umn.edu/oen/oercert/__;!!DZ3fjg!_u1scyrYhTW-F3wRJrN5HQI5KlFeCN0S0lN0JTWMB3Gp3APXj_v_EPMhJQSmGjJJy4CHJIiZpT23yd1dtC6q4blzSAWIqFs07Us$>—open education leaders who have gained expertise through experience, professional development, and participation in various national initiatives.
The integrated components of the Certification program include online content, mentor-led cohorts, and post-workshop program development support and assessment.
In order to assure we can offer personalized attention to participants throughout the program, the cohort will be limited to 64 participants.
Learning Outcomes
Participants will:
1. Gain fluency in defining open education, including its core benefits, challenges, and potential;
2. Identify local collaborations and alliances that support faculty needs around OER adoption, use, and creation;
3. Design and build sustainable open education programming based on local considerations, culture, strategic alignment, and goals;
4. Develop strategies for measuring and articulating the impact of open education on multiple constituents to various audiences;
5. Connect and collaborate with a cohort of librarians dedicated to developing OER initiatives across the country.
Selection Criteria
Participants will be selected based on the following:
1. A two-page CV, including areas of interest or responsibility related to open education and experience working with faculty, programs, and campus stakeholders;
2. Answers to questions that reflect engagement or interest in open ed. and/or interest and experience in working with faculty, programs, & campus stakeholders;
3. Demonstrated potential to impact or move forward open initiatives;
4. Reflection upon how your participation in this program may positively impact diversity, equity, and inclusion at your institution;
5. A completed questionnaire that provides information about you and your institution;
6. A letter of support from your dean, director, or supervisor if seeking financial assistance (partial scholarship);
Certificate Calendar
1. February–April 2023: Participants will participate in online instruction, including readings and discussions with their cohorts.
2. May–September 2023: Participants will have synchronous video discussions with small groups and mentors. During these discussions, participants will share progress reports, reflections, and support as they implement local action plans during the six months following the in-person program.
3. September 2022: Program assessment by participant.
Apply at <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/z.umn.edu/OTNCertificate19apply__;!!DZ3fjg!_u1scyrYhTW-F3wRJrN5HQI5KlFeCN0S0lN0JTWMB3Gp3APXj_v_EPMhJQSmGjJJy4CHJIiZpT23yd1dtC6q4blzSAWI9STen3Q$> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://z.umn.edu/CertinOERLibrarianship2023__;!!DZ3fjg!_SQizByJ2W9hy7ZpmlzOp1zDvfPHD4JQwHK1yZCjSCOodZopBZ2Is174WUWbow6S5gf0cwxMUhokECaNHKvL5JdS3Of8LaM$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/z.umn.edu/CertinOERLibrarianship2023__;!!DZ3fjg!_u1scyrYhTW-F3wRJrN5HQI5KlFeCN0S0lN0JTWMB3Gp3APXj_v_EPMhJQSmGjJJy4CHJIiZpT23yd1dtC6q4blzSAWI7TaxsBY$>
*Note: To apply you will have to create an account. Once you log in, you will be redirected to a home page where you can find the application called “Open Education Network’s Certificate in OER Librarianship.”
Important Dates
Application deadline: November 4, 2022, 11:59 pm Central
Notification: by December 3, 2022, 11:59 pm Central
Costs (Costs to attendees include registration and participation in the complete seven-month program.)
OEN Members (including Allied) = $700
Affiliated through an OEN system or consortia = $970
Non-member = $1230
*For a list of members, please see the OEN’s website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/open.umn.edu/oen/members/__;!!DZ3fjg!_u1scyrYhTW-F3wRJrN5HQI5KlFeCN0S0lN0JTWMB3Gp3APXj_v_EPMhJQSmGjJJy4CHJIiZpT23yd1dtC6q4blzSAWIwahilnQ$>. For clarification on which rate applies to you, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/177cc_8V5vKPmNe_wZzMScpCBM60PxwT-dPt40ILjcbY/edit__;!!DZ3fjg!_u1scyrYhTW-F3wRJrN5HQI5KlFeCN0S0lN0JTWMB3Gp3APXj_v_EPMhJQSmGjJJy4CHJIiZpT23yd1dtC6q4blzSAWIvKyzxAs$>
Financial Assistance
We strive to keep the Certificate in OER Librarianship an affordable program but realize financial assistance may be necessary.
If you belong to a library consortium, please be in contact with your consortium directly to explore options it may have available to support Certificate participants.
Financial assistance from the Open Education Network is available to applicants who:
1. Submit a letter of support from a supervisor outlining the need for financial assistance.
2. Are not receiving financial support from a consortia, system, or other organization.
Scholarship Opportunity for BIPOC Librarians
In an effort to address the shortage of librarians of color in open education, we are offering some full scholarships to librarians who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC).
BIPOC librarians seeking a full scholarship will be asked to submit a letter of support from a colleague or supervisor.
See our Frequently Asked Questions <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/177cc_8V5vKPmNe_wZzMScpCBM60PxwT-dPt40ILjcbY/edit__;!!DZ3fjg!_u1scyrYhTW-F3wRJrN5HQI5KlFeCN0S0lN0JTWMB3Gp3APXj_v_EPMhJQSmGjJJy4CHJIiZpT23yd1dtC6q4blzSAWIvKyzxAs$> for more information. Also, please consider joining our Zoom information session at 1:00 p.m CDT on Friday, September 23rd to hear from participants (current and past), instructors, and OEN staff about the Certificate in OER Librarianship. Zoom Link: https://umn.zoom.us/j/92154500301?pwd=ME5nYmxRN2k3L2dYYWx6NW9IL2U5UT09
About the Open Education Network
The Open Education Network (OEN)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/open.umn.edu/oen/__;!!DZ3fjg!_u1scyrYhTW-F3wRJrN5HQI5KlFeCN0S0lN0JTWMB3Gp3APXj_v_EPMhJQSmGjJJy4CHJIiZpT23yd1dtC6q4blzSAWI3Dhc3dg$> is an alliance of hundreds of institutions working together to advance open education, locally and nationally. We believe in the power of open education to transform higher education. The leadership, actions, and results of our network members drive this transformation, and OEN connects these efforts to pool expertise and promote best practices.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best wishes!
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