[OERCommittee] Invitation to teach for the CARLI OER Faculty Workshop and OER Course "“Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources"

Swanson, Nicole Marie long20 at uillinois.edu
Tue Sep 13 20:02:58 UTC 2022

Hi all,

At the top, right of the browser window for the OER Courses_Instructor Availability<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/ih69fwfi08zu3tsqft3166hqpmygbmhn__;!!DZ3fjg!5lkJ44UL6BNv77stz7CID3IdP6dwMZBDefqFSj-soz7Im7bJgJnyPNjbQxthXOA7jyQT9HFXFxI1Xct8vPDA65ZoZsNQCg$  > document, you should have permissions to be able to select Open – Microsoft Excel Online. This should allow you to edit the document live. If for whatever reason Box isn’t cooperating with the permissions we’ve set, please feel free to email your preferences and I’m happy to add them in.


From: Swanson, Nicole Marie
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 9:55 AM
To: oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu; Annette Alvarado (aalvarado2 at luc.edu) <aalvarado2 at luc.edu>; Elizabeth Nelson <enelson at mchenry.edu>; Shelley, Anne <aeshell at ilstu.edu>; Shultz, Susan <SSHULTZ at depaul.edu>; Chernaik, Anne <achernaik at clcillinois.edu>; tmontaner at prairiestate.edu; moh at oakton.edu
Subject: Invitation to teach for the CARLI OER Faculty Workshop and OER Course "“Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources"

We wish to invite you to teach a section of the CARLI OER Faculty Workshop and/or the CARLI OER Course “Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources” for FY23! CARLI members greatly appreciate the experience and expertise you bring to these programs!

If you are interested in leading portions of these programs, please share your availability on the “Instructor Availability FY23” tab<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/ih69fwfi08zu3tsqft3166hqpmygbmhn__;!!DZ3fjg!5lkJ44UL6BNv77stz7CID3IdP6dwMZBDefqFSj-soz7Im7bJgJnyPNjbQxthXOA7jyQT9HFXFxI1Xct8vPDA65ZoZsNQCg$  > of this Box spreadsheet.  CARLI staff will reach out to you to schedule a specific session(s) and date(s). Feel free to share your preferences in the Notes area of the charts.

For anyone new to teaching one of these courses, there are prepared slides and notes available for your use, and we typically have 4-5 instructors including CARLI staff for a program. This allows the content to be split up according to instructor comfort on specific topics.

Thank you,
Nicole Swanson, Elizabeth Clarage, and Michele Leigh

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