[OERCommittee] FW: Virginia Course Materials Survey: Results and Findings

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Fri Sep 30 12:30:09 UTC 2022

Sharing because of the topic and the message reminded me that I haven’t added the new committee members to the OEN email list.  Because of CARLI’s consortial membership, we can add OER Committee members to the OEN email list.

I know many of you are already on the Open Education Network google group email list – you were added when you joined the OER Committee.

For the committee members that joined the committee this year: If you would prefer to use an email other than your institutional email, please let me know.


"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."

Sent: Friday, September 30, 2022 5:36 AM
To: open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com
Subject: [oen] Virginia Course Materials Survey: Results and Findings

Hello, all –

In Fall 2021, in cooperation with our member institutions, VIVA, Virginia’s academic library consortium, conducted the Virginia Course Materials Survey.  The survey built on the work of previous states and regions and included a special emphasis on educational equity.  More than 5,600 valid student responses from 41 institutions were received, reflecting an overall response rate of 10%.

The overarching research questions were:

  *   What is the impact of course material costs on educational equity among Virginia students?
  *   What course content materials do students find to be most beneficial to their learning?

Executive Summary and Results and Findings documents for the Virginia Course Materials Survey are now available.  They are attached to this email and also available on the VIVA website at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://vivalib.org/va/open/survey__;!!DZ3fjg!7UE__Uenh7oXOqRZr9O3AuPyI59UhzjpvS2jaPYFXx9ZKi9sN2gWAapqjr4BLYm0lv7bolkuERiWxgcS-ixJXbhXysjbrlE$  .  We hope these results are useful to Virginia and beyond, which is why we are sharing them with you today.

All the best –

Anne C. Osterman
VIVA Director
aelguind at gmu.edu<mailto:aelguind at gmu.edu>

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