[OERCommittee] Fwd: New IL State Bill: $3M for OER
Christopher Sweet
csweet at iwu.edu
Tue Apr 4 15:07:10 UTC 2023
CARLI OER Committee colleagues,
We should definitely add a discussion of the new House Bill 4022 to our
agenda. Details below for those who haven't seen it already.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Katie Steen-James <katie at sparcopen.org>
Date: Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 9:19 AM
Subject: New IL State Bill: $3M for OER
To: Bbailey-Hainer <bbailey-hainer at atla.com>, Robert (Jay) Malone <
rmalone at ala.org>, Kara Malenfant <kmalenfant at ala.org>, <rudisill at cod.edu>,
Sdaviska <sdaviska at iwu.edu>, <xuemao.wang at northwestern.edu>, Torsten Reimer
<reimer at uchicago.edu>, Rheabt <rheabt at uic.edu>, <prom at illinois.edu>
Cc: Nicole Allen <nicole at sparcopen.org>
Dear Illinois SPARC Members,
We wanted to let you know about an exciting bill we are tracking in the
Illinois General Assembly! House Bill 4022
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://legiscan.com/IL/bill/HB4022/2023__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gdsNAvPSg$ > would provide $3 million for a
recurring, permanent Open Educational Resources (OER) grant program in the
state. The money would be appropriated to the Secretary of State's office
for use by Illinois' academic libraries. We support the bill for a couple
of reasons:
It focuses specifically on funding for OER as the most effective state
investment to address course material costs versus one-time payments
through other models.
A recurring investment can support robust OER programs over time that
benefit students as we’ve seen in states like Colorado
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://masterplan.highered.colorado.gov/oer-in-colorado/__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gejcxtXYg$ > and Georgia
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54ge4F7OhrQ$ >.
While the bill doesn’t define OER, it is important to remind lawmakers of
the definition of OER as recommended by the Midwestern Higher Education
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mhec.org/sites/default/files/resources/2022MHECOER-Toward-Convergence.pdf__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gci9rN0_g$ >
Open Education Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, or research
resources that are offered freely to users in at least one form and that
either reside in the public domain or have been released under an open
copyright license that allows for its free use, reuse, modification, and
sharing with attribution.
We are in contact with the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in
Illinois (CARLI) to understand their approach to the bill and how SPARC can
best support those efforts. The bill comes after recent attempts by the
commercial publishers to increase inclusive or "equitable" access programs
in Illinois through their participation in the College Course Materials
Affordability and Equitable Access Task Force
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.isac.org/e-library/research-policy-analysis/Task-Forces-Working-Groups/CCM-Task-Force/__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gcJy-IGUw$ >,
which released a concerning study
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.isac.org/e-library/research-policy-analysis/Task-Forces-Working-Groups/CCM-Task-Force/Documents/IL-CCM-Task-Force-Rpt-FINAL03012023.pdf__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gelH80iew$ >
(see SPARC's public feedback
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.isac.org/e-library/research-policy-analysis/Task-Forces-Working-Groups/CCM-Task-Force/Documents/CCM-Study-Comment-SPARC.pdf__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54geWfk2ong$ >)
to the legislature on March 1, 2023. We anticipate publishers may try to
leverage that study to convince lawmakers to allow for the $3 million in
OER funding to be used on inclusive access programs.
I will update you all with more information about our plans as they are
developed. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions or
plan to engage your government relations offices on the bill.
Katie Steen-James
SPARC <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sparcopen.org/__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gfCbDSoPw$ > | Manager of Public Policy & Advocacy
katie at sparcopen.org
816-645-1189 (c)
Stephanie Davis-Kahl
University Librarian & Copyright Officer
Professor, The Ames Library
Illinois Wesleyan University
Office Hours <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://libguides.iwu.edu/prf.php?account_id=13436__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gcAXvQ8Cw$ >, Research
and Course Guides <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://libguides.iwu.edu/prf.php?account_id=13436__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gcAXvQ8Cw$ >
my publications <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://works.bepress.com/stephanie_davis_kahl/__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gdEESpKww$ >
* <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.iwu.edu/collegetour/__;!!DZ3fjg!-rHmbmncltlXARZ6xnPJYlPz802lsM4BW1zbiJ6iGWWrbmWUgY__tdf0vrzNdaksKdUGyAJNojIP7aN54gcXoqbt2Q$ >*
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