[OERCommittee] Agenda for meeting next week

Matthews, Daniel matthewsd29 at morainevalley.edu
Wed Feb 1 18:17:22 UTC 2023

Hi everyone!

Our next meeting is this coming Tuesday, February 7 at 11:30am.

Here is a link for the agenda: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/lsauhpuxqjiqdneaa212wjrdsgqv4mj7__;!!DZ3fjg!8ViydFnrihOeYQPdaRwN-5J7hieG5lr98-Lp-76IjUmkL_d1ewo3XjHfXeeWyJ9crSUmH4t5G4w7oQPziFvozMTDDCmajR_pJIBc3ToW$ 
Feel free to make any additions or edits in the box document, or let me know what you would like changed and I can make those edits.

Also, this is our target due date for the website review. If you have signed up to review a page on the website, please take a look at them and propose any edits or new resources you think are appropriate. If you have already completed your pages, take a moment and mark them complete in the spreadsheet. Here's a link to the website review spreadsheet: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/yfc12zhc9xl68rclxxwn1pivfyyct2cr__;!!DZ3fjg!8ViydFnrihOeYQPdaRwN-5J7hieG5lr98-Lp-76IjUmkL_d1ewo3XjHfXeeWyJ9crSUmH4t5G4w7oQPziFvozMTDDCmajR_pJCGecj_k$ 

Let me know if you have and questions,
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