[OERCommittee] Meeting tomorrow

Matthews, Daniel matthewsd29 at morainevalley.edu
Mon Mar 6 18:43:50 UTC 2023

Hi CARLI OER Committee!

As a reminder, we are meeting tomorrow at 11:30. The agenda is linked here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/v9kfca9ll1sjaybtnx9j84g7y5uip1eq__;!!DZ3fjg!_Il7D68kIDOE8NFuLKn9nWSoatbtaFMwa5A7KZ7k93NS5z0MAWXAXK-xSAIDS1InOXvga9TQ-zmCoc-Atc5BLlF9T6FbMcANYIuqx-cY$ >. (Thanks Tineka for putting this together!)

If you have any additions or edits to the agenda, please feel free to make them in box, or send them to Tineka or myself and we’ll add them.

Also, I will be late to the meeting tomorrow, and should be there around 12:15


Digital Services Librarian
Moraine Valley Community College
9000 W College Pkwy
Palos Hills, IL 60465

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