From dbanks at Tue Nov 7 21:39:33 2023 From: dbanks at (Banks, Dorinne) Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2023 21:39:33 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] CARLI OER Meeting Agenda Attached Message-ID: Hello OER Committee! Did this month go by fast or what? Here's the agenda for our meeting this week. See you on Thursday! Dorinne Banks (she/her) Online Campus Librarian Make an Appointment to Meet With Me Here NOTE: I am in the Eastern Time Zone and do not have a physical office in Chicago. ORCID: 0000-0003-0563-8698 [cid:7c21955a-d2f9-49b8-8b14-97961bf61831] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-5mml3sei.gif Type: image/gif Size: 15321 bytes Desc: Outlook-5mml3sei.gif URL: From smcdavi at Tue Nov 7 21:43:11 2023 From: smcdavi at (McDavid, Shelly) Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2023 21:43:11 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] CARLI OER Meeting Agenda Attached In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear Dorinne, Unfortunately, I am not able to make this month?s OER meeting because I need to take my dad to an appointment. Thanks for your understanding. Let me know how I can be helpful! Shelly Shelly McDavid, MLS, M.Ed. Director for Access, Discovery & Systems, STEM Librarian, Assistant Professor smcdavi at 618-650-2377 Library & Information Services Lovejoy Library, 30 Hairpin Drive Box 1063, SIUE Edwardsville, IL 62026-1063 ________________________________ From: OERCommittee on behalf of Banks, Dorinne via OERCommittee Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 3:39:33 PM To: OER Committee Mailing List Subject: [OERCommittee] CARLI OER Meeting Agenda Attached Hello OER Committee! Did this month go by fast or what? Here's the agenda for our meeting this week. See you on Thursday! Dorinne Banks (she/her) Online Campus Librarian Make an Appointment to Meet With Me Here NOTE: I am in the Eastern Time Zone and do not have a physical office in Chicago. ORCID: 0000-0003-0563-8698 [cid:7c21955a-d2f9-49b8-8b14-97961bf61831] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-5mml3sei.gif Type: image/gif Size: 15321 bytes Desc: Outlook-5mml3sei.gif URL: From long20 at Wed Nov 8 15:25:31 2023 From: long20 at (Swanson, Nicole Marie) Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2023 15:25:31 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] OpenEd presentation "Designed to Listen: Building a Survey to Bring Students' Voices into your OER Efforts" this Thursday, Nov. 9, 11:45 a.m. Message-ID: If you are attending the OpenEd Conference this week, please feel welcome to join our session about the Illinois Course Materials Survey: Student Perspective on Thursday, November 9, 11:45 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.: Designed to Listen: Building a Survey to Bring Students' Voices into your OER Efforts Elizabeth, Michele, and I will be talking about our collaborative process for setting research goals and developing the survey instrument, building in student privacy protections, working with an Institutional Review Board, distributing the survey to students at community colleges, private colleges and universities, public universities, and other types of not-for-profit institutions, and adjusting our timeline for improved response rates. We will conclude by offering a peek at early results of what Illinois students have graciously shared. Best, Nicole Nicole Swanson Senior Coordinator of Library Services & Outreach Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) 217-300-6989 Pronouns: (she, her, hers) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kosrowl at Thu Nov 9 18:26:01 2023 From: kosrowl at (Kosrow, Lauren) Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 18:26:01 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] ISL Funding for OER Follow-up Message-ID: <> Anne, Thank you so much for your leadership on ISLAC and continued advocacy for state funding for OER initiatives. I appreciate you sharing your presentation at the November 1, 2023 ISLAC meeting with us today, in which you proposed how the Illinois State Library could structure the $3M of grant funding to academic libraries for OER initiatives. In both my current role as co-chair of the CARLI OER committee and as a member, I urge you to advocate for a funding proposal that incorporates the demonstrated need for financial support to build capacity for OER work at the institution level rather than relying solely on a project-based funding model like the SCOERs grant. I believe the funding provided through the Illinois State Library for OER, with the right model, has the potential to build local structures and scale open initiatives rooted in our member libraries across the state in a truly transformative and impactful way. As CARLI engages in next steps with the Illinois State Library, I encourage you to leverage the expertise of this committee in the process of developing the funding proposal. We can provide critical insight into the diverse needs of member libraries engaged in OER work and the variety of ways the funding can be used to start and scale our current efforts while meeting the data collection needs of the grant. This is a really exciting and important moment for OER work in the state of Illinois. Thank you again for your work in your role representing our membership and your advocacy on our behalf. Lauren Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D. Digital Content and Open Access Librarian College of DuPage Library 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 SRC3138 | 630.942.2092 | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abcraig at Thu Nov 9 19:37:17 2023 From: abcraig at (Craig, Anne) Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 19:37:17 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] ISL Funding for OER Follow-up In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Absolutely, Lauren! Thank you for this write up and for the feedback today everyone! We will go forward with your comments in hand!!! Anne From: Kosrow, Lauren Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 12:26 PM To: Craig, Anne Cc: oercommittee at Subject: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up Anne, Thank you so much for your leadership on ISLAC and continued advocacy for state funding for OER initiatives. I appreciate you sharing your presentation at the November 1, 2023 ISLAC meeting with us today, in which you proposed how the Illinois State Library could structure the $3M of grant funding to academic libraries for OER initiatives. In both my current role as co-chair of the CARLI OER committee and as a member, I urge you to advocate for a funding proposal that incorporates the demonstrated need for financial support to build capacity for OER work at the institution level rather than relying solely on a project-based funding model like the SCOERs grant. I believe the funding provided through the Illinois State Library for OER, with the right model, has the potential to build local structures and scale open initiatives rooted in our member libraries across the state in a truly transformative and impactful way. As CARLI engages in next steps with the Illinois State Library, I encourage you to leverage the expertise of this committee in the process of developing the funding proposal. We can provide critical insight into the diverse needs of member libraries engaged in OER work and the variety of ways the funding can be used to start and scale our current efforts while meeting the data collection needs of the grant. This is a really exciting and important moment for OER work in the state of Illinois. Thank you again for your work in your role representing our membership and your advocacy on our behalf. Lauren Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D. Digital Content and Open Access Librarian College of DuPage Library 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 SRC3138 | 630.942.2092 | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kosrowl at Thu Nov 16 21:36:44 2023 From: kosrowl at (Kosrow, Lauren) Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 21:36:44 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] [External] RE: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up In-Reply-To: References: <>, Message-ID: <> Anne, It was really wonderful to see our OER work highlighted so prominently in the CARLI annual meeting today! Thanks for putting together a great program. I really appreciated Greg's presentation, which clarified that action was taken at the ISLAC committee to move forward your proposal and that there is a clear timeline about next steps. He mentioned that meetings about the funding application are occurring soon, as early as next week, in order to prepare for an application period opening in January. Can you share who will be participating in these meetings and how this committee will be included? I'm eager to be a part of these important conversations around how the funding application will be structured, and I'd like to ensure others are given the opportunity to join as well. Lauren Looking forw Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D. Digital Content and Open Access Librarian College of DuPage Library 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 SRC3138 | 630.942.2092 | ________________________________ From: Craig, Anne Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 1:37:17 PM To: Kosrow, Lauren Cc: oercommittee at Subject: [External] RE: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up CAUTION: This email originated from outside of COD?s system. Do not click links, open attachments, or respond with sensitive information unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Absolutely, Lauren! Thank you for this write up and for the feedback today everyone! We will go forward with your comments in hand!!! Anne From: Kosrow, Lauren Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 12:26 PM To: Craig, Anne Cc: oercommittee at Subject: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up Anne, Thank you so much for your leadership on ISLAC and continued advocacy for state funding for OER initiatives. I appreciate you sharing your presentation at the November 1, 2023 ISLAC meeting with us today, in which you proposed how the Illinois State Library could structure the $3M of grant funding to academic libraries for OER initiatives. In both my current role as co-chair of the CARLI OER committee and as a member, I urge you to advocate for a funding proposal that incorporates the demonstrated need for financial support to build capacity for OER work at the institution level rather than relying solely on a project-based funding model like the SCOERs grant. I believe the funding provided through the Illinois State Library for OER, with the right model, has the potential to build local structures and scale open initiatives rooted in our member libraries across the state in a truly transformative and impactful way. As CARLI engages in next steps with the Illinois State Library, I encourage you to leverage the expertise of this committee in the process of developing the funding proposal. We can provide critical insight into the diverse needs of member libraries engaged in OER work and the variety of ways the funding can be used to start and scale our current efforts while meeting the data collection needs of the grant. This is a really exciting and important moment for OER work in the state of Illinois. Thank you again for your work in your role representing our membership and your advocacy on our behalf. Lauren Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D. Digital Content and Open Access Librarian College of DuPage Library 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 SRC3138 | 630.942.2092 | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abcraig at Mon Nov 20 15:27:25 2023 From: abcraig at (Craig, Anne) Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:27:25 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] [External] RE: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up In-Reply-To: <> References: <>, <> Message-ID: Hi Lauren and the OER Committee! Thank you to the OER Committee for your involvement in the Annual Meeting. I thought it went great! CARLI has provided input to the Secretary's Office about the $3 million in their budget for OER according to the input the committee members, the CARLI Governance Board, CARLI directors, and the ISLAC members have given us. Please know that the program is statutorily the Secretary's responsibility, meaning that the direction of the program-including any involvement from CARLI-is completely at the Secretary's discretion. I would advise all of you to write directly to Greg (gmccormick at He's very approachable and would I'm sure welcome your perspective. He participated in the OER Talk Table at the Annual Meeting, and I know he heard many concerns. To your question, CARLI is meeting with the ISL tomorrow to walk them through the application process we used for IL SCOERs. They will decide on what their application process will look like. I promise you we will advocate for the committee's involvement and include the concerns voiced by the committee. How the grant is shaped is their decision. Having said that, I know that they are listening to the academic library's concerns. I hope this helps! Anne From: Kosrow, Lauren Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 3:37 PM To: Craig, Anne Cc: oercommittee at Subject: Re: [External] RE: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up Anne, It was really wonderful to see our OER work highlighted so prominently in the CARLI annual meeting today! Thanks for putting together a great program. I really appreciated Greg's presentation, which clarified that action was taken at the ISLAC committee to move forward your proposal and that there is a clear timeline about next steps. He mentioned that meetings about the funding application are occurring soon, as early as next week, in order to prepare for an application period opening in January. Can you share who will be participating in these meetings and how this committee will be included? I'm eager to be a part of these important conversations around how the funding application will be structured, and I'd like to ensure others are given the opportunity to join as well. Lauren Looking forw Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D. Digital Content and Open Access Librarian College of DuPage Library 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 SRC3138 | 630.942.2092 | ________________________________ From: Craig, Anne > Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 1:37:17 PM To: Kosrow, Lauren Cc: oercommittee at Subject: [External] RE: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up CAUTION: This email originated from outside of COD's system. Do not click links, open attachments, or respond with sensitive information unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Absolutely, Lauren! Thank you for this write up and for the feedback today everyone! We will go forward with your comments in hand!!! Anne From: Kosrow, Lauren > Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 12:26 PM To: Craig, Anne > Cc: oercommittee at Subject: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up Anne, Thank you so much for your leadership on ISLAC and continued advocacy for state funding for OER initiatives. I appreciate you sharing your presentation at the November 1, 2023 ISLAC meeting with us today, in which you proposed how the Illinois State Library could structure the $3M of grant funding to academic libraries for OER initiatives. In both my current role as co-chair of the CARLI OER committee and as a member, I urge you to advocate for a funding proposal that incorporates the demonstrated need for financial support to build capacity for OER work at the institution level rather than relying solely on a project-based funding model like the SCOERs grant. I believe the funding provided through the Illinois State Library for OER, with the right model, has the potential to build local structures and scale open initiatives rooted in our member libraries across the state in a truly transformative and impactful way. As CARLI engages in next steps with the Illinois State Library, I encourage you to leverage the expertise of this committee in the process of developing the funding proposal. We can provide critical insight into the diverse needs of member libraries engaged in OER work and the variety of ways the funding can be used to start and scale our current efforts while meeting the data collection needs of the grant. This is a really exciting and important moment for OER work in the state of Illinois. Thank you again for your work in your role representing our membership and your advocacy on our behalf. Lauren Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D. Digital Content and Open Access Librarian College of DuPage Library 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 SRC3138 | 630.942.2092 | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kosrowl at Mon Nov 20 20:44:35 2023 From: kosrowl at (Kosrow, Lauren) Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 20:44:35 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] [External] RE: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up In-Reply-To: References: <>, <>, Message-ID: <> Anne, I do understand that the direction of the program is at the Secretary's discretion. My primary concern is how this committee has not been included in decisions and actions by CARLI staff pertaining to this matter. My concern stems from the fact that CARLI staff provided input to the Secretary's Office without soliciting input from the CARLI members on this committee. This committee, as a whole, did not have an opportunity to review and comment on the ISLAC presentation that gave a recommendation for how the grant was to be administered. We found out after the presentation was given and action was taken. Despite my request to be involved, we have not been asked to contribute to next steps: CARLI staff's presentation of an application model. I have been vocal, but there is deep expertise and insight beyond my individual experience on this team. I would be negligent as the co-chair of this committee if I didn't advocate for all of our voices to be heard. That said, I believe presenting the SCOERs application as a model for statewide funding in the meeting tomorrow without modifications would be a mistake. There has not yet been a formal opportunity for recipients or others to provide an assessment of the process or delineate what those changes should be, but I hope that known opportunities for improvement are shared with the Illinois State Library. As I stated previously, I wish we could have contributed to the model that is being presented tomorrow. I am concerned that, without an opportunity for the committee to be involved or provide specific feedback before the model is presented, we are missing a key opportunity to address these issues and strengthen the model moving forward. LK Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D. Digital Content and Open Access Librarian College of DuPage Library 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 SRC3138 | 630.942.2092 | ________________________________ From: Craig, Anne Sent: Monday, November 20, 2023 9:27:25 AM To: Kosrow, Lauren Cc: oercommittee at Subject: RE: [External] RE: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up Hi Lauren and the OER Committee! Thank you to the OER Committee for your involvement in the Annual Meeting. I thought it went great! CARLI has provided input to the Secretary?s Office about the $3 million in their budget for OER according to the input the committee members, the CARLI Governance Board, CARLI directors, and the ISLAC members have given us. Please know that the program is statutorily the Secretary?s responsibility, meaning that the direction of the program?including any involvement from CARLI?is completely at the Secretary?s discretion. I would advise all of you to write directly to Greg (gmccormick at He?s very approachable and would I?m sure welcome your perspective. He participated in the OER Talk Table at the Annual Meeting, and I know he heard many concerns. To your question, CARLI is meeting with the ISL tomorrow to walk them through the application process we used for IL SCOERs. They will decide on what their application process will look like. I promise you we will advocate for the committee?s involvement and include the concerns voiced by the committee. How the grant is shaped is their decision. Having said that, I know that they are listening to the academic library?s concerns. I hope this helps! Anne From: Kosrow, Lauren Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 3:37 PM To: Craig, Anne Cc: oercommittee at Subject: Re: [External] RE: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up Anne, It was really wonderful to see our OER work highlighted so prominently in the CARLI annual meeting today! Thanks for putting together a great program. I really appreciated Greg's presentation, which clarified that action was taken at the ISLAC committee to move forward your proposal and that there is a clear timeline about next steps. He mentioned that meetings about the funding application are occurring soon, as early as next week, in order to prepare for an application period opening in January. Can you share who will be participating in these meetings and how this committee will be included? I'm eager to be a part of these important conversations around how the funding application will be structured, and I'd like to ensure others are given the opportunity to join as well. Lauren Looking forw Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D. Digital Content and Open Access Librarian College of DuPage Library 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 SRC3138 | 630.942.2092 | ________________________________ From: Craig, Anne > Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 1:37:17 PM To: Kosrow, Lauren Cc: oercommittee at Subject: [External] RE: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up CAUTION: This email originated from outside of COD?s system. Do not click links, open attachments, or respond with sensitive information unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Absolutely, Lauren! Thank you for this write up and for the feedback today everyone! We will go forward with your comments in hand!!! Anne From: Kosrow, Lauren > Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 12:26 PM To: Craig, Anne > Cc: oercommittee at Subject: ISL Funding for OER Follow-up Anne, Thank you so much for your leadership on ISLAC and continued advocacy for state funding for OER initiatives. I appreciate you sharing your presentation at the November 1, 2023 ISLAC meeting with us today, in which you proposed how the Illinois State Library could structure the $3M of grant funding to academic libraries for OER initiatives. In both my current role as co-chair of the CARLI OER committee and as a member, I urge you to advocate for a funding proposal that incorporates the demonstrated need for financial support to build capacity for OER work at the institution level rather than relying solely on a project-based funding model like the SCOERs grant. I believe the funding provided through the Illinois State Library for OER, with the right model, has the potential to build local structures and scale open initiatives rooted in our member libraries across the state in a truly transformative and impactful way. As CARLI engages in next steps with the Illinois State Library, I encourage you to leverage the expertise of this committee in the process of developing the funding proposal. We can provide critical insight into the diverse needs of member libraries engaged in OER work and the variety of ways the funding can be used to start and scale our current efforts while meeting the data collection needs of the grant. This is a really exciting and important moment for OER work in the state of Illinois. Thank you again for your work in your role representing our membership and your advocacy on our behalf. Lauren Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D. Digital Content and Open Access Librarian College of DuPage Library 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 SRC3138 | 630.942.2092 | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From long20 at Mon Nov 20 22:02:01 2023 From: long20 at (Swanson, Nicole Marie) Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 22:02:01 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] Poll to discuss data dashboard for the Illinois Course Materials Survey: Student Perspective Message-ID: Hi OER Committee and Subcommittee members, We would like to schedule a meeting to discuss communicating the results of the Illinois Course Materials Survey: Student Perspective and specifically would like to hear what data dashboard elements you think are important to display and be interactive for the statewide data dashboard CARLI will be sharing (not individual campus results). If you would like to participate in this discussion, please complete this poll by November 28 to help us schedule this 30 min. discussion. If you are unable to attend but would like to participate, please feel welcome to email any preferences ahead of time for consideration. Thank you, Nicole Nicole Swanson Senior Coordinator of Library Services & Outreach Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) 217-300-6989 Pronouns: (she, her, hers) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From long20 at Tue Nov 28 20:21:59 2023 From: long20 at (Swanson, Nicole Marie) Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 20:21:59 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] Student Survey: Communications and Data Sharing Message-ID: We couldn't find a perfect time to meet to discuss communications and the data dashboard for the student survey, but Dec. 14 from 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. was available for many of us. Anyone unable to attend at this time, I'm happy to schedule a separate time to discuss this with you. Thank you, Nicole Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 827 3754 4294 Password: 500412 One tap mobile +13126266799,,82737544294# US (Chicago) +14702509358,,82737544294# US (Atlanta) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta) +1 470 381 2552 US (Atlanta) +1 646 518 9805 US (New York) +1 651 372 8299 US (Minnesota) +1 786 635 1003 US (Miami) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 602 753 0140 US (Phoenix) +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 720 928 9299 US (Denver) +1 971 247 1195 US (Portland) +1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 827 3754 4294 Password: 500412 Join by SIP 82737544294 at Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (China) (India Mumbai) (India Hyderabad) (Amsterdam Netherlands) (Germany) (Australia Sydney) (Australia Melbourne) (Hong Kong SAR) (Brazil) (Canada Toronto) (Canada Vancouver) (Japan Tokyo) (Japan Osaka) Meeting ID: 827 3754 4294 Password: 500412 Join by Skype for Business -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/calendar Size: 4395 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dphares at Wed Nov 29 14:41:16 2023 From: dphares at (DeeAnna Phares) Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:41:16 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] Illinois Institutional OER Initiatives Message-ID: Hi, OER folks. At our last meeting, I think Dan and I mentioned that we (along with Michele Leigh, Chris Sweet, and Jeff Newell) have been putting together some materials for the MHEC Midwest OER Summit in January. I've been exploring institutional OER initiatives across the state and literally looked at every public and private college and university in Illinois (except the for-profits) to see what amazing course materials work has been done in the last few years. I believe I have a pretty thorough picture, but it is possible that some efforts are not very Google-able or aren't easy to access if you aren't affiliated with the school. So, here is where I could use some help. What I have discovered is that campuses are generally focusing their "open" efforts in these five areas: * Hiring of OER/Scholarly Communications librarians or facilitators (difficult to determine because there is no standard title-and not every person's official job title is listed in public-facing venues) * Faculty cohorts, workshops, and communities of practice to promote OER and Open Pedagogy * Stipend programs to support the adoption, adaptation, or creation of OER * Marking of low- and no-cost courses in student registration systems and catalogs (this one is hard to get info about for anyone outside the institution) * Recognition for faculty or departments offering/promoting low- and no-cost course materials Does your institution have programs or initiatives that fall into any of these areas? If so, which ones? If you or your campus is doing something not listed, please let me know. The info that I am putting together is going to be on a single slide, so I'm going for very broad strokes. But I think it would be really helpful to know, however informally, what's happening across the state and what has changed since the 2020 IHBE survey. If you have any information to share, please email me (dphares at by 9:00AM on Friday, December 1st. Thanks in advance. Dee Anna Dee Anna Phares (she/her/hers) Assistant Professor & Subject Specialist Librarian History ? Psychology ? Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations ? Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies ? Children's & YA Collection [cid:image001.jpg at 01DA229E.A1136170] 815.753.1770 ? dphares at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 5267 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: From dbanks at Wed Nov 29 14:58:22 2023 From: dbanks at (Banks, Dorinne) Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:58:22 +0000 Subject: [OERCommittee] [EXTERNAL] Illinois Institutional OER Initiatives In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hello DeeAnna! I'm excited about the work that you all are doing for the OER Summit! Here's a snapshot of my institution, Adler University: * Awareness building efforts through faculty OER workshops, OER LibGuide, and promotion of OER in each online course design/re-design. * OER Adoptions have been minimal so far; use of library ebooks as course materials has been a popular alternative. I hope this helps! Best, Dorinne ________________________________ From: OERCommittee on behalf of DeeAnna Phares via OERCommittee Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 9:41 AM To: oercommittee at Subject: [EXTERNAL] [OERCommittee] Illinois Institutional OER Initiatives Hi, OER folks. At our last meeting, I think Dan and I mentioned that we (along with Michele Leigh, Chris Sweet, and Jeff Newell) have been putting together some materials for the MHEC Midwest OER Summit in January. I?ve been exploring institutional OER initiatives across the state and literally looked at every public and private college and university in Illinois (except the for-profits) to see what amazing course materials work has been done in the last few years. I believe I have a pretty thorough picture, but it is possible that some efforts are not very Google-able or aren?t easy to access if you aren?t affiliated with the school. So, here is where I could use some help. What I have discovered is that campuses are generally focusing their ?open? efforts in these five areas: * Hiring of OER/Scholarly Communications librarians or facilitators (difficult to determine because there is no standard title?and not every person?s official job title is listed in public-facing venues) * Faculty cohorts, workshops, and communities of practice to promote OER and Open Pedagogy * Stipend programs to support the adoption, adaptation, or creation of OER * Marking of low- and no-cost courses in student registration systems and catalogs (this one is hard to get info about for anyone outside the institution) * Recognition for faculty or departments offering/promoting low- and no-cost course materials Does your institution have programs or initiatives that fall into any of these areas? If so, which ones? If you or your campus is doing something not listed, please let me know. The info that I am putting together is going to be on a single slide, so I?m going for very broad strokes. But I think it would be really helpful to know, however informally, what?s happening across the state and what has changed since the 2020 IHBE survey. If you have any information to share, please email me (dphares at by 9:00AM on Friday, December 1st. Thanks in advance. Dee Anna Dee Anna Phares (she/her/hers) Assistant Professor & Subject Specialist Librarian History ? Psychology ? Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations ? Women?s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies ? Children?s & YA Collection [cid:image001.jpg at 01DA229E.A1136170] 815.753.1770 ? dphares at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 5267 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: