[OERCommittee] Poll to discuss data dashboard for the Illinois Course Materials Survey: Student Perspective

Swanson, Nicole Marie long20 at uillinois.edu
Mon Nov 20 22:02:01 UTC 2023

Hi OER Committee and Subcommittee members,

We would like to schedule a meeting to discuss communicating the results of the Illinois Course Materials Survey: Student Perspective and specifically would like to hear what data dashboard elements you think are important to display and be interactive for the statewide data dashboard CARLI will be sharing (not individual campus results).

If you would like to participate in this discussion, please complete this poll<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.when2meet.com/?22463554-i9ebm__;!!DZ3fjg!4Tz4V8_dSgfCY-vP0w5NaQfL4ZoD9szKgD03Ewl6fGdzVmeox5g_x4U0VuDNSCNMV1DNljZ1joOVqVscTRuECWMuN_M3RA$ > by November 28 to help us schedule this 30 min. discussion. If you are unable to attend but would like to participate, please feel welcome to email any preferences ahead of time for consideration.

Thank you,

Nicole Swanson
Senior Coordinator of Library Services & Outreach
Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI)
Pronouns: (she, her, hers)

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