[OERCommittee] First meeting of the 2024-2025 CARLI Open Educational Resources Committee is September 12, 9 a.m.

Swanson, Nicole Marie long20 at uillinois.edu
Mon Aug 12 16:03:16 UTC 2024

Hi OER Committee members,

Based on our poll and email communications, September 12 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. is the best time for the majority of us to meet via Zoom for the first CARLI Open Educational Resources Committee meeting.

Below is the connection information, and I’ll send a calendar invitation shortly.

Thank you,

Join Zoom Meeting<https://illinois.zoom.us/j/83044690766?pwd=V2u5BrPYJvEbY98yGa19bz4PfBLbay.1>

Meeting ID: 830 4469 0766

Password: 950903

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Meeting ID: 830 4469 0766

Password: 950903

From: OERCommittee <oercommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu> On Behalf Of Swanson, Nicole Marie via OERCommittee
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 10:43 AM
To: oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu
Subject: [OERCommittee] Welcome 2024-2025 CARLI Open Educational Resources Committee!

Welcome 2024-2025 CARLI Open Educational Resources Committee! We are looking forward to working with you! The information below will help us to schedule and prepare for our first meeting:

  1.  Please complete this poll<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/ejOxGQBa__;!!DZ3fjg!8JhEo7taquDdKZMQ64eZLUffjAEIVFSZfENL_9PTwgBCypeglxGPj3davbrpFZjkSNcWWFeCJO6e3GiXQEQgsL2xwCTrYA$> by August 9 to help us schedule a convenient time for the first OER Committee meeting. This initial meeting is a planning meeting and will be a longer duration than subsequent meetings to accommodate the additional discussion. It will be held virtually, and we will have a planned break.

  1.  New members, you have been subscribed to the Committee’s private email list! To test that you can send and receive emails, feel free to introduce yourself at oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu>.

  1.  New members, you were invited to the Committee’s Box space! For Box, please accept the separate email invitation in order to gain access to the space. You do not need to have a subscription to access our space. However, if this is your first time joining, you will need to create a login.

  1.  Here is our roster of amazing members:

Joslyn Allison, City Colleges of Chicago
Dorinne Banks, Adler University
Colby Cilento, Illinois State University
Zachariah Claybaugh, Dominican University
Kim Hale, Columbia College Chicago
Kelly Hallisy, DePaul University
Lauren Kosrow, College of DuPage
Jayna Leipart Guttilla, Illinois State University
Shelly McDavid, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Dee Anna Phares, Northern Illinois University

Your CARLI staff liaisons:
Elizabeth Clarage
Michele Leigh
Nicole Swanson

  1.  You are all invited to the CARLI All Committee Members meeting on July 25, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Please attend if you are available. This meeting will likely be recorded if you have a conflict.

Join Zoom Meeting<https://illinois.zoom.us/j/83839224547?pwd=kFLWeP3opFa29iv0CV81NESBYgaCrI.1>    

Meeting ID: 838 3922 4547
Password: 510386

  1.  New members, if you are interested in learning more about the Committee ahead of our first meeting, you are welcome to review the Committee’s charge<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/governance/committee-directory/comm?comm_id=60&constit=no&dates=yes> and past annual reports and minutes<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/governance/reports> available under the Open Educational Resources Committee blind.

If you have any questions, please email us anytime! We are looking forward to meeting with you soon!

Elizabeth Clarage, Michele Leigh, and Nicole Swanson
CARLI liaisons to the OER Committee

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