[OERCommittee] FW: [SPARC OE Forum] Fwd: Do We Need a National Open Education Strategy? An “Open” Conversation

Clarage, Elizabeth Claire clarage at uillinois.edu
Fri Jan 19 17:10:27 UTC 2024

Not sure if all the OER Committee members are on this email list. I thought this was interesting.

"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."

From: oeforum at sparcopen.org <oeforum at sparcopen.org> On Behalf Of Anita Walz
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2024 10:52 AM
To: Anita Walz <arwalz at vt.edu>
Subject: [SPARC OE Forum] Fwd: Do We Need a National Open Education Strategy? An “Open” Conversation

Sharing from the CCCOER listserv

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Annika Many <amany at edbridgepartners.com<mailto:amany at edbridgepartners.com>>
Date: Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 8:25 AM
Subject: Do We Need a National Open Education Strategy? An “Open” Conversation
To: Annika Many <amany at edbridgepartners.com<mailto:amany at edbridgepartners.com>>

Please share this as widely as possible with all of your [U.S.] networks!

Open education has made remarkable progress, yet the evolving landscape continues to present challenges. As open education work continues to grow at institutions, in states, and across regions, questions increasingly surface about how we might coordinate and advocate more effectively as a field. This includes how to advance open education policies at the national and state level, how to reach institutional leaders, and how to expand sustainable funding.

NCOER (a collaboration among the four regional education compacts), working together with DOERS3 and SPARC, invite members of the open education field to join us for an open conversation about the potential need for U.S. national open education strategy and discuss how we might better collaborate to advance shared priorities. This will build on a discussion started at the 2023 Open Education Conference.

To include as many voices as possible, there are three options for when to join. All who are interested in open education are encouraged to participate.

Register: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wiche.edu/events/do-we-need-a-national-open-education-strategy-an-open-conversation/__;!!DZ3fjg!7Z2s-wwjVlHV1RghmlF2E8ioRfBX626iFl025MpChtuxtfUWeJAM2G727db0pOK5bO3Gi7CZCGswmHP6S6GGrsAKoHvOKV8$ 



Annika Many

Principal, edBridge Partners, LLC

amany at edbridgepartners.com<mailto:amany at edbridgepartners.com>


https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.edbridgepartners.com__;!!DZ3fjg!7Z2s-wwjVlHV1RghmlF2E8ioRfBX626iFl025MpChtuxtfUWeJAM2G727db0pOK5bO3Gi7CZCGswmHP6S6GGrsAKsJ7wWL0$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.edbridgepartners.com/__;!!DZ3fjg!44iEpx8ZTbXgmuEpxhMUjwBjGuxamsHmvqB6MwGPuOyPLP8uBXuKZJ5PYchDXdDgSXiTGXoi_8dOWPDSew$>

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