[OERCommittee] Call for Interest: Textbook Course Markings: Best Practices and Case Studies

Banks, Dorinne dbanks at adler.edu
Fri Jun 7 13:42:03 UTC 2024

Hello OER Team 🙂
A few of you mentioned that your institution has implemented course markings...
If so, you may be interested in this publishing opportunity (see below)
From: open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com <open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com> on behalf of Rebel Cummings-Sauls <rsauls.flvc at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 2:33 PM
To: Open Textbook Network <open-textbook-network at googlegroups.com>; cccoer-members at googlegroups.com <cccoer-members at googlegroups.com>; ALA-acrlscholcomm at ConnectedCommunity.org <ALA-acrlscholcomm at connectedcommunity.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [oen] Fwd: Call for Interest: Textbook Course Markings: Best Practices and Case Studies

You don't often get email from rsauls.flvc at gmail.com. Learn why this is important<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification__;!!DZ3fjg!8Coqfwh_Ib_5D8Hn-lrVhhsUnM0iChdw1gZ1iBkPIo4TLtvfalzZrE5G3rceE5-M9xR8JrtlTBcM7HtNSTNJAKUADyM$ >
Good Afternoon,

Fellow Open and Affordable Textbook Community Members we’re excited to open a call for interested individuals willing to contribute support or chapters for the follow-up edition of Marking OER Courses: Best Practices and Case Studies<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uta.pressbooks.pub/markingopenandaffordablecourses/__;!!DZ3fjg!8Coqfwh_Ib_5D8Hn-lrVhhsUnM0iChdw1gZ1iBkPIo4TLtvfalzZrE5G3rceE5-M9xR8JrtlTBcM7HtNSTNJBm9e9bA$ >.

To help higher education institutions across the country implement course marking for open and affordable educational resources this practical guide will provide case studies, overview relevant topics, provide tips for implementation, and review contributing factors to the process. The follow-up edition will expand to include state, consortium, regional, and even failed (as of today) attempts to implement textbook course markings.  In recognition of our wide-ranging efforts to reduce or eliminate textbook costs we are also updating the title to Textbook Course Markings: Best Practices and Case Studies.

We’re seeking individuals interested in being contributors to collaboratively develop chapters that analyze key considerations relevant to textbook course markings. Topics slated for exploration are listed below:

  *   Case Studies: Institution(s); State; Consortium/Compacts/Regional
  *   Policy, Regulation, and Legislation
  *   Collaboration and Community
  *   Platforms and Processes
  *   Communication and Integration
  *   Impact and Environment
  *   Challenges, Barriers, or Stressors
  *   Successes, Benefits, or Improvements
  *   Contributors are invited to propose additional chapter topics

Case studies should provide details on their specific course marking process. We encourage contributors to showcase their own experience and knowledge, even if OER course markings efforts failed or have not been fully implemented.

There is no minimum or maximum page requirement.

This peer-reviewed book will be published under a CC BY 4.0<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/__;!!DZ3fjg!8Coqfwh_Ib_5D8Hn-lrVhhsUnM0iChdw1gZ1iBkPIo4TLtvfalzZrE5G3rceE5-M9xR8JrtlTBcM7HtNSTNJguY-D8o$ > license.

Expected Timeline

•        Call for interest through July 5th

•        If enough interest shown, Call for Proposals closes September 30, 2024.

•        Editors will notify contributors of acceptance no later than October 25, 2024

•        Chapter outline and expected outcomes no later than December 20, 2024

•        First draft of accepted submissions due by February 28, 2025.

•        Final draft no later than April 25, 2025.

•        Peer review period through May 30, 2025

•        Author revision based on peer reviews by June 13, 2025

•        Projected publication date is Fall 2025.

Please note that experience implementing course markings is not necessary to contribute to this project, as we will need support in various ways. Contributors only need to have an interest in course marking implementation and an eagerness to participate.

Please submit an Expression of Interest<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.office.com/r/1Da4yeiNpe__;!!DZ3fjg!8Coqfwh_Ib_5D8Hn-lrVhhsUnM0iChdw1gZ1iBkPIo4TLtvfalzZrE5G3rceE5-M9xR8JrtlTBcM7HtNSTNJzIJXugw$ > by July 5th.


Rebel Cummings-Sauls, Florida Virtual Campus


Jeanne Hoover, East Carolina University

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