[spcollig] registration and program available for 2021 BitCurator Users Forum (Oct. 12-14) and Educators' Summit (Oct. 15)
Edwards, Eric A
EEdwards at ILSOS.GOV
Thu Aug 19 21:11:23 UTC 2021
Please excuse any cross-posting.
(via the BCC Program Committee)
The BCC Program Committee is pleased to announce that the program for the 2021 BitCurator Users Forum (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/forum/*schedule__;Iw!!DZ3fjg!rW7V21Pe2MhLH97bZwp0yZt9haBWxb5LPZWETUGa9pQaO14KfFu60FdTAKVYlMbGjwBfz-A$ ) and Educators' Summit (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/forum/*summit__;Iw!!DZ3fjg!rW7V21Pe2MhLH97bZwp0yZt9haBWxb5LPZWETUGa9pQaO14KfFu60FdTAKVYlMbGs4HsVPI$ ) is live and registration is open!
Preliminary Program is Live!
The Forum and BitCuratorEdu Educators' Summit program is now available on the BitCurator Consortium (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/__;!!DZ3fjg!rW7V21Pe2MhLH97bZwp0yZt9haBWxb5LPZWETUGa9pQaO14KfFu60FdTAKVYlMbGowcOqcI$ ) website. The Forum will take place from Tuesday, October 12, to Thursday, October 14.
Sessions will be non-concurrent (single-stream) and will run live starting at 10:00 AM CDT. Each day will include a variety of opportunities for engagement including workshops, lightning talks, and themed sessions on Remote Workflows, Iteration and Scalability, BitCurator, Access and Discoverability, and Tools & Demos Showcase. We also have a few special sessions this year! We'll do a rerun of our popular "Great Question!" session where attendees can ask anonymous questions in an open forum, and two Birds Of A Feather sessions for BIPOC attendees and Students and New Professionals.
NEW this year: BitCuratorEdu Educators' Summit
The BitCuratorEdu project, in collaboration with the 2021 BitCurator Users Forum, is delighted to organize the BitCuratorEdu Educators' Summit on Friday, October 15 (the day after the Forum). Choose the Educators' Summit when you register for BUF21 to receive a link to attend these sessions.
Registration Now Open!
We are proud to offer registration for BitCurator Users Forum 2021 at a sliding scale starting at $0 (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/forum/*registration__;Iw!!DZ3fjg!rW7V21Pe2MhLH97bZwp0yZt9haBWxb5LPZWETUGa9pQaO14KfFu60FdTAKVYlMbGRF5CADk$ ). New this year, we have introduced group rates: discounted rates for groups of 3 or more people from the same organization. Individuals from groups will receive a code to be used at checkout, allowing them to register individually at the discounted rate. If you wish to register as part of a group, please fill out this form (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://airtable.com/shrZLGokjBNnLHZhv__;!!DZ3fjg!rW7V21Pe2MhLH97bZwp0yZt9haBWxb5LPZWETUGa9pQaO14KfFu60FdTAKVYlMbG9rEZnTI$ ), and a team member will provide you with your group rate and details on how to register.
Register via Eventbrite: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bitcuratorusersforum2021.eventbrite.com__;!!DZ3fjg!rW7V21Pe2MhLH97bZwp0yZt9haBWxb5LPZWETUGa9pQaO14KfFu60FdTAKVYlMbG_7_jv4E$ .
Sponsorship Information
We welcome sponsors for the event. Please visit the Sponsorship (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/forum/*sponsorships__;Iw!!DZ3fjg!rW7V21Pe2MhLH97bZwp0yZt9haBWxb5LPZWETUGa9pQaO14KfFu60FdTAKVYlMbGsKyDESs$ ) section of the website or contact jess.farrell at educopia.org.
Eric A. Edwards
Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Illinois State Library
Gwendolyn Brooks Building
300 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1796
eedwards at ilsos.gov
(217) 558-1928
(217) 782-4446--Fax
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