[spcollig] call for proposals: virtual 2021 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries Symposium on Wed., Nov. 17 (deadline Fri., Sept. 3)
Edwards, Eric A
EEdwards at ILSOS.GOV
Thu Jul 15 17:40:45 UTC 2021
Please excuse any cross-posting.
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University)
The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the inaugural Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium, a free event which will take place virtually on Wednesday, November 17 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference and our goal is to gather together IR practitioners and those with an interest in IRs at hospitals, academic medical centers, and other health settings for discussions and sharing of case studies and best practices for digital archiving of institutional content.
MIRL will feature a keynote by Kathryn Funk, Program Manager, PubMed Central, National Library of Medicine.
We are accepting proposals for:
* Panel discussions (approximately 50 minutes including Q&A)
* Presentations (approximately 20 minutes including Q&A)
* Vendor presentations (approximately 5-10 minutes including Q&A)
* Lightning talks (approximately 5-10 minutes including Q&A)
The MIRL planning committee welcomes proposals on a variety of topics including, but not limited to:
* Unique medical/health sciences institutional repository (IR) collections, use cases, or challenges
* Migrating repository platforms: stories, processes, and lessons learned
* IRs in a time of budget cuts: ROI and justifying the cost
* Finding your champions: marketing your IR
* Reporting out: telling your IR story with statistics and metrics
* IR harvesting and support tools, workflow
* Preprints and medical IRs
* Your IR as a journal publishing platform
* Strategies for management of faculty/researcher publications, conference posters, student collections, digital exhibits
* Promoting Green OA initiatives
* Supporting promotion and tenure using your IR
* COVID-19 and your IR
* Accessibility policies and practices
* Diversity, equity and inclusion: adopting anti-racist and anti-oppression statements and practices, diversity and health information
* IR work beyond the pandemic: telecommuting or other changes.
Submit your proposal here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/AR7pu3qfEjjsVnxu8__;!!DZ3fjg!rODA6RGU50FcjSLzGHPsQcepJPaQpzhTwGO8LjehPAuEJW9bxM09NfUo3Sy4d2CfFyCQc7Y$
* Deadline for submitting proposals: Friday, September 3
* Acceptance emails will be sent no later than September 17
* Registration is free for all attendees and will open in September.
Please contact Brenda Fay at Brenda.Fay at aah.org for any questions about the proposal process or about MIRL.
Eric A. Edwards
Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Illinois State Library
Gwendolyn Brooks Building
300 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1796
eedwards at ilsos.gov
(217) 558-1928
(217) 782-4446--Fax
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