[spcollig] registration open for free ACRL Presents webcast “Cultures of Collecting: Sustaining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Collection Development" (Thurs., May 27, at 2:00 PM)
Edwards, Eric A
EEdwards at ILSOS.GOV
Tue May 18 10:30:02 CDT 2021
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Join ACRL on Thursday, May 27, at 2:00 PM CDT, for the free ACRL Presents webcast “Cultures of Collecting: Sustaining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Collection Development". The panel discussion features experts from academic libraries and special collections repositories providing insights into including diverse perspectives in scholarly collections for teaching, research, and learning. Discussion will include the value of expanding collections with diversity in mind, how to assess collections for diverse content, continuing to include underrepresented voices when funding is restricted, and ensuring diverse voices are preserved when collections are weeded or reappraised.
More information is available on ACRL Insider, at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://acrl.ala.org/acrlinsider/acrl-presents-cultures-of-collecting-sustaining-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-in-collection-development/__;!!DZ3fjg!uf_oQH8_FuNMrQ0rFiwcAXhA8xtvuAilIHDmiBsAi7TG9AKEWpz5sHYz2vQKldqhIaNgBaA$ . To register, please go to https://ala-events.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_20Wcqe3QSp2zct0kFR9TeQ.
Eric A. Edwards
Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Illinois State Library
Gwendolyn Brooks Building
300 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1796
eedwards at ilsos.gov<mailto:eedwards at ilsos.gov>
(217) 558-1928
(217) 782-4446--Fax
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