[spcollig] call for proposals: Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference (Dec. 7-9, Wed.-Fri., in Pittsburgh, PA)--deadline Mon., Aug. 15
Edwards, Eric A
EEdwards at ILSOS.GOV
Mon Aug 1 13:16:23 UTC 2022
Please excuse any cross-posting.
(via Laura Rooney, Association of Moving Image Archivists)
The AMIA (Association of Moving Image Archivists) Conference Committee invites proposal submissions for sessions, posters, and workshops for the AMIA Annual Conference, to be held December 7-9 (Wednesday-Friday) in Pittsburgh, PA.
Welcome back! We are excited to hold an in-person conference after the last couple of years of online events and virtual conferences. We want to acknowledge and thank our fellow members and colleagues for their participation and continued support of the organization during the ongoing pandemic. While we are delighted to be back, we will be monitoring the most current COVID-19 health mandates and recommendations for the Pittsburgh area.
The Conference Committee works to present a broad-based program that speaks to a wide range of attendees with a balance of theory and practice, inviting new ideas and concepts that stimulate additional interest, involvement, and educational benefit. In keeping with our goals to be as incl, we urge proposers to use AMIA Conference sessions as an opportunity to include new voices and offer diverse viewpoints.
We encourage you to read the Call for Proposals Notes and FAQ (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.amiaconference.net/proposal-notes-and-faq/__;!!DZ3fjg!7sEK7EFEf-r8QWZF2bZ0iIjPqm0aCu8RyjnaL9PpEBUmue4pOAKXKRpvi6qTtFuaof-a0UWfXwUTvAgRuacUhVhrTFU$ ), explain the review process and offers information and tips on what the reviewers and the Conference Committee consider in the proposal process. The Conference Committee will hold Office Hours in August to answer your questions and provide advice about putting together your proposal and the proposal process. You can also contact our Proposal Help Desk, at program at amiaconference.com<mailto:program at amiaconference.com>, with any questions throughout the process.
The Committee has created a Google spreadsheet (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ucbsIgEgdyVZTWqnhe63881pHq4VJyyV4Ev3eVVDlII/htmlview*gid=0__;Iw!!DZ3fjg!7sEK7EFEf-r8QWZF2bZ0iIjPqm0aCu8RyjnaL9PpEBUmue4pOAKXKRpvi6qTtFuaof-a0UWfXwUTvAgRuacUEO-fKAU$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Fdocs.google.com*2Fspreadsheets*2Fu*2F0*2Fd*2F1ucbsIgEgdyVZTWqnhe63881pHq4VJyyV4Ev3eVVDlII*2Fhtmlview*23gid*3D0&data=05*7C01*7CEEdwards*40ILSOS.GOV*7C91832f37eff14eeb8d4f08da717096a6*7C7e381e99c7e549f4a276f862f67fb9c2*7C0*7C0*7C637947026135471664*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=nOujSlHudjXpvyrL*2F0k*2F4D9H7D0AGzKODDD*2FtwBRTRE*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!DZ3fjg!7sEK7EFEf-r8QWZF2bZ0iIjPqm0aCu8RyjnaL9PpEBUmue4pOAKXKRpvi6qTtFuaof-a0UWfXwUTvAgRuacUxqhg17s$ >) to connect individuals seeking ideas or collaborators for session and workshop proposals. The spreadsheet is provided as a means of communication only: the Committee does not monitor the document and it is not part of the official submission process.
Keeping in mind our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, we will do our best to honor and accommodate requests from those wishing to participate in the Conference, and we ask for those submitting a conference proposal to be fully committed to being part of the event on acceptance of your Conference proposal.
The deadline for submissions is Monday, August 15. To access the online submission form, and for more information on the Conference itself, please go to https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.amiaconference.org/__;!!DZ3fjg!7sEK7EFEf-r8QWZF2bZ0iIjPqm0aCu8RyjnaL9PpEBUmue4pOAKXKRpvi6qTtFuaof-a0UWfXwUTvAgRuacUv58O-2o$ .
Eric A. Edwards
Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Illinois State Library
Gwendolyn Brooks Building
300 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1796
eedwards at ilsos.gov<mailto:eedwards at ilsos.gov>
(217) 558-1928
(217) 782-4446--Fax
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