[ArchivesSpCollig] RSVP for Northern Illinois Regional History Conference, themed "At the Crossroads of the Urban-Rural Divide" (in DeKalb on Sat., April 22, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM)--deadline is Sat., April 15
Edwards, Eric A
EEdwards at ILSOS.GOV
Thu Apr 6 21:29:08 UTC 2023
Please excuse any cross-posting.
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University)
The NIU Libraries Regional History Center will host the inaugural Northern Illinois Regional History Conference on Saturday April 22, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, at the Holmes Student Center Heritage Room on NIU's campus in DeKalb. The conference theme is "At the Crossroads of the Urban-Rural Divide" and the program will feature panel sessions with presentations on a variety of topics and projects related to Northern Illinois' changing communities, evolving land-use, and how history influences regional identity. The purpose of the conference is to engage a wide audience of scholars, practitioners, students, enthusiasts, and community members to examine the rapidly changing urban-suburban-rural dynamic of the region through a historical lens. As an inaugural event, the goal is also to identify a community of interest and provide an annual event to highlight the research, creative work, and initiatives around local and regional history at the institutional and individual levels.
The conference keynote speaker is Raphael Wahwassuck of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Council, who will discuss the Potawatomi Nation's history in the area and recent efforts to reclaim ancestral tribal land near Shabbona State Park in DeKalb County that was illegally auctioned by the U.S. government in 1849. See the full program at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://library.niu.edu/university-libraries/sca/visit/conferences/index.shtml__;!!DZ3fjg!8IPrMGVH62pTlLHxY2ifYKUgDb74Pg4CpB7-RvzBfXjbGBdHoinq9jY6CLVr_OT2maZCBIjftiTtMTYB8sE5iXg6o3o$ .
The Northern Illinois Regional History Conference is free and open to public but attendees are encouraged to RSVP<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=kDOH6hyMMUKnmWtaAjWy5hVjOS6oQYhOrOuXGJxYCINURVFOUzFYSzM5RVROUDVCTjdBNUo0RVJLNS4u__;!!DZ3fjg!8IPrMGVH62pTlLHxY2ifYKUgDb74Pg4CpB7-RvzBfXjbGBdHoinq9jY6CLVr_OT2maZCBIjftiTtMTYB8sE547bRsSM$ > by Saturday April 15. For more information, please contact Special Collections and Archive Department Head Bradley J. Wiles via email<mailto:bwiles at niu.edu> or 815-753-9392.
Eric A. Edwards
Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Illinois State Library
Gwendolyn Brooks Building
300 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1796
eedwards at ilsos.gov<mailto:eedwards at ilsos.gov>
(217) 558-1928
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