[spcollig] Archives Help

Pamela Sue Hackbart-Dean phdean at lib.siu.edu
Wed Oct 12 08:59:39 CDT 2016

Dear Esther

You might wish to consult the NEDCC Preservation Leaflets that discuss environment issues for archives https://www.nedcc.org/free-resources/preservation-leaflets/overview as well as Integrated Pest Management

Also, you might want to know that the Illinois State Historical Records Advisory Board is offering scholarships to take the American Association for State and Local History's online "Basics of Archives" course. This online course, available from October 24 – November 18, 2016, provides an introduction to the management and protection of historical records for staff and volunteers who have little to no experience with archival materials.  For more information, see https://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/archives/ISHRAB/basics.html

Good luck.


Pam Hackbart-Dean, CA
Director, Special Collections Research Center


phdean at lib.siu.edu<mailto:rbeach at lib.siu.edu>
P: 618/453-1452
F: 618/453-3440

From: spcollig [mailto:spcollig-bounces at carli.illinois.edu] On Behalf Of Lang, Esther
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 9:55 AM
To: spcollig at carli.illinois.edu
Subject: [spcollig] Archives Help

Good Morning,

Unfortunately, our university has never had an archivist, but has only had librarians oversee the archives when they had the time. I recently became one of the overseers of our archives.

Because our archives is located in the basement, this summer, I tried measuring the humidity and temperature of the room. The temperature averaged around 68 degrees Fahrenheit, but I was more concerned to see that our humidity ranged between 70% and 80%. We are trying to figure out how to control the humidity, so recently added a portable dehumidifier down there. Although it needs less emptying now that the weather has cooled down, I don't think emptying it twice a day was enough this summer. We're going to look into piping options.  I am convinced that many of our items are damaged or moldy because of the humidity.  I have no idea if we have the other extreme (dryness) in the winter.

Do you have any recommendations on good ways to handle humidity? Are there best practice recommendations?  An average humidity of about 45% would probably be best, correct?

On another note, I have noticed at least one millipede and several spiders in our archives, and many more of these (as well as two beetles) in the room right outside our archives.  Are there any bugs that I should specifically be concerned about? Do you have any recommendations on how to continually monitor pests, in addition to just having a pest control worker come and do an inspection?  We do have carpeting in the archives, and I've been wondering if that is also a major problem.

Thanks for any help or advice you can give! Or, if you could point me in a good direction to find answers, that would also be appreciated.

Esther Lang
Collection Management Librarian | Trinity International University
2065 Half Day Rd. | Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 317-4009 | erlang at tiu.edu<mailto:erlang at tiu.edu>
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