[ERMCommittee] April meeting will be on the 20th

Wallis, Lisa l-wallis at neiu.edu
Mon Apr 10 19:07:29 UTC 2023

Hello, everybody.

The next ERM Committee meeting will be 10 days from now, on April 20th.

For putting together an agenda, I thought we could recap what we have done
so far and determine what we can still accomplish in the short time

As a reminder, here is our charge:

*The E-Resources Management Committee will advise on the whole life cycle
of electronic resources from acquisitions and cataloging, to selecting
how/what to add to Alma/PVE, activating, proxy issues, OpenAthens
authentication, gathering usage statistics to help libraries know what and
how material is being used, to deactivation/deaccession.*

Denise and other members of the CARLI staff have completed the following:
- Troubleshooting page
- NexisUni linking level
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Content_Corner/Knowledge_Articles/Alma*3A_LexisNexis_-_removal_of_article-level_linking_for_some_collections__;JQ!!DZ3fjg!9j5dlalBUTpKDzWhGC34zau3j917hABiLU-D-YKres9BLbVu3rMQ3mL5aDaHaS1lDCwZQ-dDlTrNAqgMkHSAyAcHZsW9$ >
- Choosing the correct collection/portfolio

Anything left to do on these?

Projects members identified for 2022-2023:
- Alma Analytics for e-resources
- Vendors and licenses in Alma - in progress, Elaine agreed to write
something up
- E-resources in Primo VE (e.g. display logic, direct linking) - in progress

Since the webinar was held Feb. 16, the remaining two items need to be
addressed. We have had some discussions about both of these things, but
let's focus on:
- identifying the product desired for each
- assigning members to one of the two projects
- setting timelines/deadlines for the products

If you have anything else you would like to add for the meeting, please let
me know. I will put together the agenda and get it out by the end of this



*If you'd like to meet with me, please schedule yourself on my calendar
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendar.app.google/6877kZBhVLcNiGnf9__;!!DZ3fjg!9j5dlalBUTpKDzWhGC34zau3j917hABiLU-D-YKres9BLbVu3rMQ3mL5aDaHaS1lDCwZQ-dDlTrNAqgMkHSAyFR1ol7S$ >.*

*Need help navigating the NEIU Libraries' resources? Check out
the Introduction to Research at the NEIU Libraries
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://neiulibraries.libguides.com/tutorials__;!!DZ3fjg!9j5dlalBUTpKDzWhGC34zau3j917hABiLU-D-YKres9BLbVu3rMQ3mL5aDaHaS1lDCwZQ-dDlTrNAqgMkHSAyOpjVFSG$ > guide.  Y**ou can
also reach out through chat or email
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.neiu.edu/neiu-libraries/ask-librarian__;!!DZ3fjg!9j5dlalBUTpKDzWhGC34zau3j917hABiLU-D-YKres9BLbVu3rMQ3mL5aDaHaS1lDCwZQ-dDlTrNAqgMkHSAyO20n5ZG$ > any time if you have

Lisa Wallis, eResources & Systems Librarian / Associate Professor

*NEIU Libraries*

Northeastern Illinois University

5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625

Phone: (773) 442-4571


<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.neiu.edu/__;!!DZ3fjg!9j5dlalBUTpKDzWhGC34zau3j917hABiLU-D-YKres9BLbVu3rMQ3mL5aDaHaS1lDCwZQ-dDlTrNAqgMkHSAyAavfZRh$ >
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://neiu.edu/__;!!DZ3fjg!9j5dlalBUTpKDzWhGC34zau3j917hABiLU-D-YKres9BLbVu3rMQ3mL5aDaHaS1lDCwZQ-dDlTrNAqgMkHSAyMXZ7ZvH$ >
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